1. God
2. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.”
3. Starting from acceptance, I can decide, what’s the next right thing to do and do it.
4. Wisdom may come from this, if it worked, if it is the right thing, or if I am trying to control or affect something that is not in my control.
5. Freedom that comes from saying what is none of my business
6. Especially what someone else thinks of me
7. Making decisions
8. Freedom to be wrong
9. Freedom to be ridiculed, unpopular, disliked
10. Kevin, a friend who has shown me extraordinary kindness, once said “those who matter don’t judge and those who judge don’t matter”
11. Danielle, as beautiful a creation ever made on this earth, quoted this poem, not for me, but I didn’t understand it until she did “I learn by going where I have to go”
Today is the perfect day for a poem, Garrett! Thank you! I love this phrase, “take the lively air”~~~may we “take the lively air” today and for many days to come!
Really love this post Garrett! Can absolutely relate to every bit of it….:-)