Today I Am Grateful:
1: That my knee is improving – the second set of x-rays today show that there are no breaks or fractures at all – and since I have been gaining more and more of my range of motion, I get to do a follow-up by phone in three weeks.
2: No more walker, no more cane, no more immobilizer – just due caution as to what I can handle or not.
3: For 3 loads of clean laundry.
4: For knowing there is still more laundry to do, and being okay with it.
5: That my boys both happily picked new gym shoes today and they weren’t too expensive.
6: That I found a pair of slip-on flats that I like for less than one pair of my boys shoes.
7: For having frozen yogurt in the house to feed my chocolate cravings – much safer on my waistline than ice cream! LOL
8: For forgiveness
9: For hope
10: For Love
I’m glad you continue to improve.
Keep up the good work on your eating maybe I’ll join you.
Hi There,
Glad you are recovering and feeling better. Hope and Love are a great combination.
Love Rose