1. God

2. Safe travels for Cassie

3. The men who cleaned the heating vents, and thankfully didn’t suck up the cats with their big hoses

4. An extra hour of sleep

5. Kate R. calling to see how I was doing

6. Chamber music

7. Talking to Maura

8. Connecting with Karyn online


10. “to remind myself to begin each day with gratitude for what is rather than worrying so much about what still might be.  … Instead of mourning the passage of time, I want to live with a sense of abundance in the here and now, knowing that what we have is exactly enough.  Instead of wishing that my sons could be somehow other than they are, I want to remind myself to see, every day, what is already good in each of them and to love that.”  Katrina Kenison, The Gift of an Ordinary Day

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