♥ MLK Monday ♥ 1-21-13 ♥

Today is Martin Luther King’s Day – what an inspiration that man’s whole life was. His whole life was a message – not just his most famous speech.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That the boys and I slept in a little this morning – they weren’t up as early as usual but they didn’t quite sleep as late as I’d hoped either LOL

2) That the boys and I spent part of the day all settled in on my bed reading – Will for school, Wyatt just for practice and me because I have a number of books I want to get through :-)

3) That hubby had an okay day at work and came home at a nice hour today – he hasn’t had much sleep the past few days so I knew he was tired.

4) For the safe travels of everyone today in the bitter cold that finally bit into the Chicagoland area

5) For my Dad taking Gene & the boys to a fun indoor mini golf place today – one final fun thing on the long 4 day weekend before they go back to school in the morning. They had quite the time too from what I’ve heard :-) I haven’t gotten to the pictures yet, I’ll take care of those tomorrow


You are not just a mind & a body, you are born of God, you are a soul of eternity, remember this when life seems dark. ~ Spiritual Truths (found on twitter at ‏@TheGodLight )

About Chrissi

Inspiration is everywhere you look. ~ Me **~** scribo ergo sum **~** A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's computer. She told him she was writing a story. 'What's it about?' he asked. 'I don't know,' she replied. 'I can't read.' **~** I am a 40-something woman, happily married and a mother of two boys. I am a contributing writer for We Love Gratitude (formerly Good List Daily). I am a writer always looking for something to write. **~** I was the Social Media Assistant for JW's Designs, JW died suddenly in Sept. 2017. **~** I now work as a Hospice Massage Therapist and Death Doula.

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