An evening spent with good friends, who shared advice, laughter, support and love.
A caring, kind, patient partner
Our evening tradition of watching Indians baseball on TV, with numerous channel changes when the Tribe is not playing the best.
Watermelon for lunch, peanuts for a snack.
The morning coconut oil swish
Enjoying the best roasted corn ever… Don’t ask how many ears of corn I ate!
Smooth and creamy homemade ice cream
Toasted marshmallows… oooey, gooey, yum!!
A fun evening photo shoot, in an orchard, with a wonderful photographer.
When people look at the finished photographs, so many say they can see and feel the love that Dave and I have for each other. I’m so glad!
Corn on the cob, watermelon, ice cream, toasted marshmallows, peanuts AND true love. Sounds right to me! I am eating watermelon right now — corn on the cob and watermelon are my two top favorite foods ever! Yippee yo yo YO!
I can see summer interwoven through your post. Sounds wonderful. Maybe you can post a picture.