All posts by AndreaRose


1. Starting the day with gratitude :)

2. Coffee

3. Feeling like I have things together (somewhat)

4. Things my son says…He is such a character.

5. The way my dog does everything at her leisure

6. Trust

7. Changing my mind

8. Free consultations…

9. Reading to each other

10. The daily joy of having my son home with me, and watching him learn and grow…


1. Being able to take it easy when we’re under the weather

2. Finally feeling somewhat inspired after two weeks of not dyeing

3. Unwrapping a project and being happy with it

4. The dog curled up in the one sunny spot on the floor

5. We saw a rainbow yesterday

6. Lavender essential oil

7. Writing letters

8. Receiving a timely message

9. Getting things straightened out

10. Hope


1. My boy made me homemade noodles for dinner

2. Watching his swim practice, and seeing his progress…

3. Getting my haircut

4. Effortless conversation

5. Laughing

6. Being understood…Even though I gave up the need to be understood, it’s nice when I meet someone who understands me.

7. Beauty and The Beast

8. Accepting the particular gifts that I’ve been given, even though some days I would prefer not to have them.

9. Asking for help…and living through it.

10. Change…for the better


1. Lazy days

2. Going at my own pace

3. The sky clearing, just in time for Trick or Treating

4. My sweet boy in his Jango Fett costume

5. His best friend, Ellie, was Princess Leia…What a pair those two are! They’re both nine, and have been attached since the age of two.

6. They hurried through Trick or Treating, so they could hand out candy

7. The warmth of the house after being outside in the cold

8. Texting pictures to my husband, since he couldn’t be here

9. Meal planning

10. Having help


1. The beautiful park that we live so close to…

2. My dog…swimming in the creek

3. My son…creekside and enjoying getting very muddy

4. It reminded me how I always loved getting muddy, and that made it even more fun to watch him enjoying himself.

5. Carving pumpkins

6. The wonderful colors and smells of Autumn

7. The way email makes distances seem not so great…

8. Adults that treat children like real people

9. Pizza and movies

10. My husband


1. Being blessed with the ability to feed Logan’s passion for science

2. His love and quick unterstanding of math…something I never had, and still don’t. I’m so glad that he has it!

3. Having the tools to make needed changes

4. Making interesting new friends

5. Enjoying what could be the last warm days, with my boy and our dog. It’s going to be 67 today!

6. The freedom to make our own schedule, and rework it as we see fit

7. Working through difficulties

8. Healthy habits

9. Feeling loved

10. Accepting what is


1. Heartfelt emails

2. Going with the flow

3. Accepting my own weaknesses

4. Warm fall days

5. Watching my dog frolic in huge puddles…I just love how happy and carefree she seems!

6. The way she is so in tune with my emotions <3

7. Fresh apples with peanut butter

8. Spirituality

9. Having a good talk with my Dad

10. Silence


1. Friday nights

2. Watching my boy make duct tape luggage for his Star Wars action figures

3. Swim season is upon us :)

4. The way things just work out…

5. Insurance

6. Asking for help, and living to tell about it

7. The opportunity to learn from people with more experience

8. Meeting new people

9. A much needed phone call

10. Change