All posts by AndreaRose


1. My parents and brother agreed to having our family Thanksgiving tomorrow, for my benefit.

2. Picking up our turkey from friends who raised it on their small farm

3. The changes that are taking place in my home…

4. My husband’s dedication

5. My sweet boy

6. Sugaree…I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her!

7. Baking pies with Logan

8. Riding my bike when it’s really cold out

9. Tie-dyeing after a long break

10. God


1. Doing the leaves with Logan

2. Heartfelt gifts

3. Potatoes from our garden

4. Leaving voicemails…even though I’d rather chat :D

5. Improving

6. Dinner together

7. Swim meets

8. Fun field trips

9. Being patient

10. Deep talks with my neighbor <3


1. Recognizing that a lack of gratitude is unhealthy. Sure I think of things here and there, but the act of taking the time to sit and make lists is incredibly important.

2. A surprise showing up in the mail…A book with no note telling me who it’s from! I’m pretty sure that I know, though!!! It brought smiles, tears, and a little bit of jumping up and down. :)

3. Playing games with Logan

4. Autumn in Ohio

5. Riding my bike…I’ve been riding so much lately, and I love it more than ever. <3

6. Logan and I rode to the bike shop today and had a speedometer/odometer put on, so I know how fast and how far I'm going.

7. There is a frost warning so we picked the last of the cayenne peppers and the bell peppers.

8. Last week we went apple picking and Logan and I canned applesauce and we're looking forward to doing another batch this week. I love spending time with him!

9. Accepting the fact that growing is sometimes painful…and being patient with myself and others.

10. The Beatles!!!

Moving Forward…

1. Letting go…

2. Having a friend to hold my hand and guide me through dark times

3. Finally listening

4. Feeling lighter…What a difference a day makes. <3

5. Finding things to do for me

6. Feeling good

7. The mind body connection

8. Shopping for new clothes

9. New books

10. Dinner together


1. The pinging of jars…

2. The first cross country meet of the season

3. Being DONE with tomatoes for the year…I can put my kitchen back together!

4. Rambling voice messages <3

5. Working out our schedules

6. Sharing

7. Riding bikes with Wayne

8. Fun plans with my boy

9. New games

10. Online shopping

Friends and prayers…and love

1. Uninterrupted venting

2. Hearing exactly what I needed to hear

3. Perspective…

4. Showing love even when I don’t exactly feel like it

5. Chocolate covered strawberries

6. Cooking with Logan…We made homemade pizza and he made dessert all by himself. Chocolate pie!

7. Milestones

8. Putting aside time for quiet, praying, and reading

9. Knowing what’s important

10. Paying it forward…


1. Being positively received…

2. A long time dyer shared some secrets with me…I am so honored!

3. I went on a nice bike ride by myself. :)

4. An unexpected visit from my friend, Johanna…She showed up to see if I wanted to walk with her. It was much needed!

5. My husband and boy went shooting today and had lots of fun. The boy was so excited to come home and tell me all about it.

6. Walking with Sugaree…She seems to be getting along better. <3

7. Watching cycling

8. Going against the grain…

9. Steady work

10. Discernment