All posts by CarolBailey Floyd

Thank You!

1.  luscious blueberries in a peacock blue bowl

2.  our book group:  Jean Janis – Cathy Carol – Diane Dottie (that must be good luck or something!)

3.  finding something I wrote over 20 years ago – so glad it still has power for me

4.  a new book that has me interested and engaged – Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

5.  contributing to a fund for a victim of violent crime – the money doesn’t right the wrong, but it lets her know that people are sorry and care very much

6.  first morning glory of the season yesterday — “heavenly blue” — FABULOUS!

7.  building my Smurf toy collection for the grandsons and me

8.  getting together with my “Island Girls” – Linda, Kathy, and Rose!  They are spectacular!

9.  playing with my new Neocolor II wax crayons to see how they operate

10.  getting ready for Zentangle Club this Saturday

11.  looking forward to meeting Jean soon!  woweeeeee!

Summer Fun!

1.  finding new Smurf toys for our collection

2.  getting some new art supplies in the mail

3.  having dinner with Tom

4.  Maribeth getting a new car

5.  teaching Zentangle at a homeless shelter (my friend calls homeless “living without walls”

6.  getting the gift of a zucchini

7.  taking the grandsons to art class at the Akron Art Museum

8.  lime green fingernails

9.  playing a board game with grandsons

10.  homegrown tomatoes

Multitudes of Blessings!

1.  Seeing the Smurf 2 movie with my grandsons on Friday afternoon!  yippee yo yo YO!

2.  Watching them watch the movie was so fun!

3.  Traveling to 5 McDonalds to buy Smurf toys for our collections.

4.  I have a Smurf poster from the 1st movie hanging in my kitchen.

5.  Nate and Andrew have a Smurf poster hanging in their house, too!

6.  Smurfs are so different than lots of the fast-paced action movies out there, a delight!

7.  Seeing Mary Ellen shine in her play on Friday night.  What a wonderful occasion!

8.  Using my new square Fiesta ware plates in many colors.

9.  Going to lunch with my Dad, son, and daughter-in-law.

10.  Working on my “to do” list when I would rather be taking a nap!

Lots and Lots of Gratitude!

1.  Coming home from vacation — getting our home back, my darling car – Molly, my family and friends, and all my stuff!  Whoopee!

2.  Feeling relaxed and so happy not to have lots of business type work to do.

3.  Going to Newell, West Virginia with friends to the Fiesta ware outlet store!

4.  Now I have square Fiesta plates in lots of colors!

5.  We had a wild road trip with lots of laughter!

6.  I love to put food on Fiesta — should the broccoli go in a yellow, green, or pink bowl!

7.  A table set with Fiesta ware is fabulous!

8.  Out to lunch with friends to celebrate Jean’s birthday.  What a marvelous group!

9.  Can’t wait to see the new Smurf movie — taking the grandsons tomorrow!  Yippee!

10.  Sitting at my favorite coffee shop, just chilling out.  Oh yes!

Gratitude makes life easier, happier, and more relaxing!  Yahoo!







Sunrise – Sunset Gratitudes!

1.  took photos of the sunset tonight

2.  if the weather cooperates, I will get the sunrise tomorrow on the beach

3.  that will be the first time in my life to get a sunrise and sunset in one cycle

4.  the sun rises on the ocean side of Ocean City MD

5.  and sets two blocks away on the bay side

6.  I know that is a fairly simply thing, but it boggles me

7.  I don’t even want any explanations

8.  Even though I know it is simple, the mystery makes me happy!

9.  Have gotten up to see the sunrise before 6 a.m. many mornings this week

10.  If there were clouds on the horizon, then I went back to bed

Here’s hoping for a glorious sunrise on the beach tomorrow!  Goodbye Ocean City — I will remember you always, especially this Winter!





Gratitude for an Ocean Vacation!

1.  getting to spend time with Kevin, Dyan, Nate, Andrew, Lynda, Sarah, and beautiful baby Annalise.  Oh me, oh my!

2.  we have a condo right on the beach!!!!  incredible!

3.  watched the full moon from our balcony over the ocean, with moonlit water!  delightful!!

4.  I am really a moonstruck person — I get excited for moon watching always!

5.  mornings at the beach, afternoons at the pool!  woweeeee!

6.  my grandson Nate making me a word bracelet that says, “G-Ma is beauty” — better than diamonds!

7.  Tom and I are on the ocean side, and everyone else is on the bay side, just a quick walk away!  yippee!

8.  so much reading time, it feels decadent!  I brought 11 books!  oh yes!

9.  sandcastles on the beach — always masterpieces!  hooray!

10.  food tastes great — eating in or eating out!

Thank you for the privilege of this amazing vacation!

Gratitude for Many Things!

1.  Convincing my 96 year old Dad to put the air conditioning on in his apartment when it was 96 degrees outside!  He doesn’t believe in air conditioning, but he believes in me!  lol

2.  Our Tuesday book group, our laughter , conversations, and the current book — Letting Go by David Hawkins

3.  My sock monkey journal — oh yes!

4.  Notebook paper — with a blank sheets, the world is open to me!

5.  Red sunglasses!

6.  Finding two favorite Summer blouses in an unexpected place!

7.  Writing in my blog which has a challenge of listing 1,000 Fun Things to Do — just hit 455!  — yippee yo yo YO!

8.  Not watching TV

9.  Watching TV — when it’s a chosen program that I really like!

10.  Like “Project Runway”, which starts it’s new season this Thursday! — hooray!