1. luscious blueberries in a peacock blue bowl
2. our book group: Jean Janis – Cathy Carol – Diane Dottie (that must be good luck or something!)
3. finding something I wrote over 20 years ago – so glad it still has power for me
4. a new book that has me interested and engaged – Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult
5. contributing to a fund for a victim of violent crime – the money doesn’t right the wrong, but it lets her know that people are sorry and care very much
6. first morning glory of the season yesterday — “heavenly blue” — FABULOUS!
7. building my Smurf toy collection for the grandsons and me
8. getting together with my “Island Girls” – Linda, Kathy, and Rose! They are spectacular!
9. playing with my new Neocolor II wax crayons to see how they operate
10. getting ready for Zentangle Club this Saturday
11. looking forward to meeting Jean soon! woweeeeee!