All posts by Chrissi

About Chrissi

Inspiration is everywhere you look. ~ Me **~** scribo ergo sum **~** A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's computer. She told him she was writing a story. 'What's it about?' he asked. 'I don't know,' she replied. 'I can't read.' **~** I am a 40-something woman, happily married and a mother of two boys. I am a contributing writer for We Love Gratitude (formerly Good List Daily). I am a writer always looking for something to write. **~** I was the Social Media Assistant for JW's Designs, JW died suddenly in Sept. 2017. **~** I now work as a Hospice Massage Therapist and Death Doula.

♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥ 2-14-13 ♥

♥ Happy Valentine’s Day Lovelies! I hope you all had a day filled with beauty, love and happiness ♥

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That it was a lovely start to the day – watched “A Charlie Brown Valentine” over breakfast before school ♥

2) For the quick & simple run to Walmart with my youngest who lately has been whiny about going shopping for anything – he was happy he got a cool new belt all his own ♥

3)That I found the perfect simple Valentine for my hubby ♥

4) For the good time at the gym with my Dad – it felt good to work out again and it felt even better to pamper myself in the never-ending hot water shower after ♥

5) That my boys both had a good day at school and had fun with their Valentine’s Day Parties – they were in such good spirits when they came home today and I love when they’re like that ♥

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. ~ Albert Einstein

True love stories never have endings. ~ Richard Bach

For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. ~ Rosemonde Gerard

♥ Wonderful Wednesday ♥ 2-13-13 ♥

Since my wonderful husband was off today, I had Valentine’s Day early! Thank You Baby! I Love You! !!!! !!!

Today I Am Grateful:

1) For the rare gift of truly sleeping in – hubby got up, woke up the boys & got them fed, dressed & off to school all without my waking up at all. I was a little sad I didn’t get to give hugs & kisses, but the sleep felt good!!

2) That it was a fairly quiet day over-all

3) For no phone calls from the school yesterday or today – Will’s still been having a little trouble, but at least not phone call worthy…

4) That all of my boys were in good moods today – I love it when they’re all silly and funny :-)

5) That it’s bed time. I’m going to have a small bite to eat, take my meds and go back to sleep.

Consider the possibility of infinite possibility. ~ Marianne Williamson

♥ Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday ♥ 2-12-13 ♥

Feels good to be back here again… the sickies have been going around and around and around our house faster than a hot potato!

Today I Am Grateful:

1) For having forgiven myself for the time I missed here and the happiness at being back

2) That the weather is slowly evening out here in Chi-Town – it’s a bit colder than I’d like, yes, but at least the roller coaster has stopped for now

3) For quiet time to myself in the mornings once the boys are at school

4) That an friend from long ago found me on facebook & we’re reconnecting and catching up with each other!! She’s still as fun & funny as I remember :-)

5) For early bedtimes all around!! Good Night & Sweet Dreams!!

Laissez les bons temps roule! (Let the good times roll!)

♥ Get Moving Monday ♥ 2-4-13 ♥

Made it to the gym with my Dad again this AM, despite all the snow and coldness. It felt good too! It’s been a pretty good day over all :-)

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That my Dad surprised the boys & I by coming to pick them up for school – it gave me more time to clear & warm my truck for heading to the gym! Thanks Dad!

2) For both boys having a pretty decent day at school today :-)

3) That I spent most all of today feeling rather decent! My feet were still a bit achy but overall I felt almost normal today :-) Then I forgot to take my pain meds since noon and now I’m a little sore :-P Silly me!

4) For trying something new that is simple, but might be really effective!

5) That my MT Instructor invited me back for this mod so I can work on my Deep Tissue Massage skills – it’s nice to only live 5 minutes away from the school too! :-) She also asked me if I would help tutor some of my former classmates that are studying to retake the certification exam – I’m more than happy to help!

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. ~ Mark Twain

You can never be overdressed or overeducated. ~ Oscar Wilde

♥ Super Sunday ♥ 2-3-13 ♥

Yes, it was Super Bowl Sunday today, but it was Super for more reasons than that :-)

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That I was able to sleep in – till a whole 9:30 AM! LOL I usually sleep in later than that, but it seems my body has its own internal clock set to be sure I don’t take my morning meds too late – Thank You Body!

2) That I was able to do a lot of reading today. It felt good to spend that much time with my nose stuck in various books :-)

3) That the boys had a good time at my parents & even happily helped my Dad (Opa) shovel the driveway a few times with their kid-size shovels!

4) That the boys behaved at Nama & Papa’s (my in-laws) tonight. They had their nabi tablets and those kept them busy for the whole time! Wyatt even happily curled up next to Nama to show her a bunch of the cool games he’s good at playing. Nama enjoyed the time spent with him.

5) For all the safe travels today. We’re having a few issues with the tires on hubby’s car so I’ve been a bit nervous with distance driving lately but, hopefully tomorrow it will all be fixed (and fairly inexpensively as well) and I’ll be even more grateful.

Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real. ~ Sara Paddison

♥ Saturday Sweetness ♥ 2-2-13 ♥

Was a fairly peaceful Saturday all things considered.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That the boys actually slept in today till about 9 AM! Then they quietly played in their room till Mommy managed to drag herself up around 9:30 and get everyone breakfast.

2) That there was very little fighting or arguing most of the day today (while they were home anyway)

3) For my Dad picking up the boys for awhile. We’ve been so stressed with our oldest that we needed a break and he needed a change of scenery. The biggest plus is that he spent time with Opa doing homework that needed doing (it was originally classroom work that he didn’t do & had to take home).

4) That hubby had a shorter day at work than we anticipated – he spent a good deal of last night with the throw-ups and was feeling rather ick when he went in this morning – but knowing his boss had an important MD appointment today he wasn’t about to call in sick. So proud of my baby!

5) For being able to take time in the quiet today to read through a few of the library books that are due back soon. It was nice to finally be able to concentrate on them while hubby got some much-needed rest for his system.

I restore myself when I’m alone. ~ Marilyn Monroe

♥ February First ♥ 2-1-13 ♥

It’s been a rough week at school for my oldest & today was sort of the worst. I’m feeling a bit down because of it but here I am, going to try to find some things to be grateful for from today – I know they are there, I just have to do a little digging today is all…

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That hubby was home to take the kids to school in the 1 degree weather we had this morning. He even went out just early enough to warm up the car for all of them. Thank You Baby! ♥

2) For the quiet time that hubby & I enjoyed this morning after the boys were at school. It’s been a little while since we could both just stay home and simply spend time together – no errands, nothing pressing to do – just enjoyed the company of one another.

3) For teachers who really do care about their students – the teacher for my oldest is trying really hard this year to work with him on improving his classroom behaviors and really doing the things he knows he should be doing (but for reasons yet unknown he chooses not to). The teacher always strives to find the positives in my oldest’s day, even when sometimes that’s a little tougher than others. I know he’s going to help make a difference for my son.

4) That, even at the young age of 6, my youngest tries to be such a little peacemaker. He does not like to see anyone sad for long and will sometimes go out of his way to cheer someone up or help them in any way he can. He really does try to help his older brother too, it’s sweet to see.

5) For tears – sometimes they cleanse, sometimes they heal, sometimes they just are – they’re a gift that doesn’t always get used often enough (especially by guys). I had a bit of a cry tonight, but I know I need a good, deep cleansing cry soon – a lot of stress has built up and somehow, even with the headache after – I always feel better and lighter after a good cry.

Yesterday, I Cried
by Iyanla Vanzant

I came home, went straight to my room,
Sat on the edge of my bed,
kicked off my shoes,
Unhooked my bra,
And had myself a good cry.

I’m telling you,
I cried until my nose was running all over
the silk blouse I got on sale.
I cried until my ears were hot.
I cried until my head was hurting so bad
that I could hardly see the pile of
soiled tissues lying on the floor at my feet.

I want you to understand,
I had myself a really good cry yesterday.

Yesterday, I cried,
for all the days that I was too busy,
or too tired,
or too mad to cry.

I cried for all the days, and all the ways,
and all the times I had dishonored,
disrespected, and
disconnected my Self from myself,
only to have it reflected back to me
in the ways others did to me
the same things I had already done to myself.

I cried for all the things I had given,
only to have them stolen;
for all the things I had asked for that
had yet to show up;
for all the things I had accomplished,
only to give them away,
to people in circumstances,
which left me feeling empty,
and battered and plain old used.

I cried because there really does
come a time when the only thing left
for you to do is cry.

Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because little boys get
left by their daddies;
and little girls get forgotten by their mommies;
and daddies don’t know what to do, so they leave;
and mommies get left, so they get mad.

I cried because I had a little boy,
and because I was a little girl,
and because I was a mommy
who didn’t know what to do,
and because I wanted my daddy to be there
for me so badly until I ached.

Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because I hurt.
I cried because I was hurt.
I cried because hurt has no place to go
except deeper into the pain that
caused it in the first place,
and when it gets there,
the hurt wakes you up.

I cried because it was too late.
I cried because it was time.

I cried because my soul knew that I didn’t know
that my soul knew everything I needed to know.

I cried a soulful cry yesterday,
and it felt so good.

It felt so very, very bad.

In the midst of my crying,
I felt my freedom coming,
Because Yesterday,
I cried with an agenda.

♥ Thank You January ♥ 1-31-13 ♥

I can’t believe it’s the end of January already! Where did this whole first month go?

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That I’ve made it here every day this month – I can honestly feel the difference in being grateful more and more again. It’s helping me keep more positive as I patiently wait for a few things to play out.

2) For getting some things done around the house today – it felt good to do just basic housework for a change.

3) That even though Will had to stay after school today, he got all of his homework done and done well while he was there. He also reached his reading goal and earned a ribbon today, he was proud coming home with that pinned to his shirt!

4) For having a fun time with Family Movie Night tonight – we watched “Hotel Transylvania” and it was actually a pretty good movie! It’s always nice to see and hear everyone giggling at the funny parts :-)

5) That I’m taking care of me, in ways that work for me – body, mind and soul. Thank You for your help Angels :-)

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. ~ Luciano de Crescenzo

♥ Weary Wednesday ♥ 1-30-13 ♥

Thank Heavens it’s Wednesday – it’s been a wearying day and I am looking forward to the weekend for sure. I made it to the gym with my Dad again today and did something different, it felt good too.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That I tried the exercise bike today at the gym – it felt good to do something different today that was still good for me.

2) For the nap I got to take this afternoon after hubby got home. Even though I know he was tired, he let me take the nap and he stayed up with our little guy. Thank You Baby. ♥

3) That I’m here a little earlier than usual tonight so I can even get to sleep a little earlier tonight

4) For all the amazing books I have to read, so many wonderful topics and things to learn!

5) That I found a beautiful journal to use with two of the books I’ve started reading again this year. It was a great find for only $2 at the Salvation Army store a few weeks back.

Give thanks for what you learned today, for every lesson understood, is another the star in the sky to guide you home. ~ From Spiritual Truths on twitter at ‏@TheGodLight

♥ Trying Tuesday ♥ 1-29-13 ♥

The weather here in Chicagoland has been nothing short of odd lately – teens and below for a few days, now we’ve been in the 50’s to 60’s and now going back down to the teens again soon – I’ll admit it’s making my RA flare up more than I’d like but I’m doing my best to deal with it. There are days I swear I’m stronger than I think I am and then there are days where I feel weaker than my 6 year old son. Today was somewhere in between…

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That I dragged my booty back to the gym with my Dad today – I took it easy, walked my regular 40 minutes but didn’t even make it a full mile though I did finish disk 1 of the book on CD I was listening to

2) For the weather seeming to hold today until everyone was in the house at one time or another – went grocery shopping after the youngest got out and the rain held until we got inside with the last set of bags and closed the door. Then again after I picked up the oldest it started to pour again about 2 minutes after we walked in the door. Thank You Angels :-)

3) That homework was done with a little less fighting tonight.

4) For a yummy breakfast-for-dinner evening again – scrambled eggs, pancakes (with and without chocolate chips), bacon, and biscuits. Warm and filling on a damp, chilly night – Thank You for cooking with me Baby!

5) That another day is done, a night of restful sleep is ahead of me (I pray) and a brand new day awaits in the morning. Wishing you all a good night & sweet dreams ♥

Never dance in a puddle when there’s a hole in your shoe (it’s always best to take your shoes off first). ~ John D. Rhodes