All posts by Katharine

1. God
2. Healthier eating – mostly
3. Thanks to Cassie for organizing lunches like salads and things to eat in between like nuts grapes and carrots (no more visits to the cafe with their tempting and dangerous treats)
4. A crock pot in which to cook oatmeal for several days, also to slow cook a chicken stuffed with garlic
5. Energized by work and working with that energy
6. Not feeling left out of anything – plenty to occupy my attention and train my energy towards
7. Julia Ferhenbacher’s poetry

1. God
2. Energy
3. Serendipitous spring
4. Even with snowfall
5. My father instilling in me a love of music, mostly by osmosis
6. My mother always has something interesting to say
7. I love this story and this is a wonderful expansion upon it

1. God
2. Nurses and nursing students
3. The police lieutenant and our mutual respect
4. Cassie commenting on a good conversation with her boss
5. A group conversation about a beloved teacher which brought back memories
6. Deb who led our team in a brainstorming and planning workshop
7. Eric, always willing
8. Eddies of light

1. God
2. Music of Johannes Brahms
3. Resources at one’s fingertips
4. Portraits
5. Opportunity
6. Not knowing
7. Key signatures
8. Call from Dolores while she was stuck in traffic and she gave me a useful heads up

1. God
2. Gratitude feels good
3. Kindness feels good
4. Feeling good inside
5. Late to the event and needed what I needed to hear and then the lesson was over. Or had it just begun?
6. Rooms
7. Entrances
8. Naps

1. God
2. Karen took my early morning call and answered my questions
3. Paul showed up prepared with ideas and lists
4. Not upset by a surprise
5. Megan taking time on the phone to help fix my problem logging in
6. Donna sees to things, and quickly
7. Eric is invaluable
8. Accepting that sometimes the answer is 0 for now