All posts by Katharine

1. God

2. Rivers

3. Accepting relearning

4. And that it’s today

5. Crystal’s creative expression as she nurtures Ava and awaits her second child

5. Helen thinking of me and writing, appreciate you taking the time

5. Talking to Bob

6. Texting and then talking to Julieta and appreciating her honesty and courage and strength

7. Help from Steve

8. Talking to John for the first time in many months and hearing about his new venture and his delight with it

9. Looking at beautiful houses while passing by on the road

10. Fullness of life

1. God

2. Moments

3. Essential questions – and it’s OK not to have an answer

4. Blooms

5. In pots

6. Salmon

7. Recommendations by Laurie put into action

8. Seeing next steps

9. Juliet’s picture of rose bushes

10. Passing it along

1. God

2. Some kind of scones or corn biscuits with spinach inside

3. A new haircutter who made me nervous.  How do you want your hair cut, he asked me.  Where’s Nick, I thought, he always cuts my hair, I don’t want to have to explain to this fellow.  So I said do this, do this, I don’t know.  Shall I just cut your hair then, he asked, and I said yes and he did an excellent job, was clearly skilled at it.

4. Zinnias

5. Trimming bushes

6. Jenn picking up soda water at the grocery store for us

7. Purple cornflower

8. James Taylor’s song Music

9. A big effusive greeting from Jess

10. Silent path

1. God

2. Day lilies blooming

3. Going to the Body Worlds exhibit with Hannah and David.  I didn’t know what it was but Hannah was eager.  An exhibit that gives a tour through the human body, on life and mortality.  The process of preservation and display is extraordinary. Especially seeing it with them, Hannah having just studied anatomy and David biology, and learning a lot I didn’t know.

4. And that this body continues to function, breath, blood, heart, cells, with and predominately without thought

5. A finished project

6. Terry stopping by to visit. Albie chased Pegasus through the window.

7. Cosmos in a vase

8.. Mornings

9. Cassie resting


1. God

2. A card from Cheryl and family

3. Not all or nothing

4. Sunlight

5. Talking to my father

6. Leaves

7. Thread

8. Voices

9. View of Oliver’s roses from the kitchen window

10. Bridges


1. God

2. David owning up so that he and Hannah could resolve their differences peacefully.  My jaw would have hit the floor if the table hadn’t caught it midway.

3. Remembering why I went somewhere

4. Wheels that turn  and reverse

5. Some rain

6. Lines and stripes

7. A daily inspirational message on my phone

8. Geography

9. Summer advancing


1. God

2. Quick rainstorm changing to a sunny morning

3. Listening to hear what’s good and useful rather than to criticize

4. Wikis

5. Air

6. Signals

7. Folds

8. Flourish

9. Assurance from fellow travelers

10. Willingness 10×10

1. God

2. Time with my mother and father and children

3. Went to breakfast with a group of friends.  I left in a hurry and neglectedly forgot to pay for my meal.  Found out later that someone among the group paid for me.  Would like to know who to thank. Could treat them all as a group or pay it forward.

4. Bright sky

5. Cards from Hannah and David

6. Walking with my father along the river even just a little ways

7. Covered with dirt

8. Sunny afternoons on the asphalt next to a table under the shade of an umbrella

9. Chris came over to read from the prayer book as we spread Tibbs’s ashes in the garden


1. God

2. Grass growing

3. Soaking rain

4. Kind words from friends

5. Face painting with children from a local school

6. Things that can be fixed

7. People don’t need to fixed

8. Blue and green


RIP Tibbs, you gave us so much joy


1. God


2. Tibbs, a favorite cat, who passed this weekend.

3. He was a stray brought to us through Black Cat Rescue

4. The way we could tell him apart from the other cats was his clipped here, probably done when he was caught and neutered in the wild

5. Sometimes called 1/2 ear or triangle head

6. He was Cassie’s favorite, I was quite fond of him too (Ella wasn’t, he terrorized her)

7. Tony, one of our builders, liked him, called him a street fighter.  He chased birds and defended his turf.

7. He would come and greet either of us when we pulled into the driveway, yowling, or come visit us in the garden

8. And he liked cars, just getting into them, riding in them, didn’t need to put him in a carrier

9. He liked to lie on top of a car, in fact any table or flat, elevated surface

10. Cassie made me a cat calendar for Christmas and his pictures are on it this month

11. My mother said it’s hard to give your heart away but wouldn’t you rather have than not

12. Easily the most sociable of our cats, he would not hide when company came

13. And a fascination with bathrooms and running water

2011-11-02 21.40.33

14. Good taste in reading material

2012-12-29 19.17.41


15. Whenever he stepped on my computer he launched iTunes

16. Ave atque vale, Senor Tibbies