All posts by GinaHecker

Bottoms Up!

  1. Begin with an end; end with a start
  2. Music that feeds your mind and your heart
  3. Unwaivering sense of wrong and right
  4. Dependable hug and kiss goodnight
  5. Much needed, well-spent time with good souls
  6. Mares in green pastures with newborn foals
  7. Doing separate things, though side by side
  8. Love for someone that you just can’t hide
  9. Struggling yet refusing to quit
  10. Ending with a beginning . . . that’s it!  :)

The Rule of Eights

  1. Watching rain in puddles gather
  2. Yummy chocolate brownie batter
  3. Waking up before the alarm
  4. Local veggies fresh from the farm
  5. Coming home to dinner cooking
  6. Finding happy without looking
  7. Subsiding pain in right forearm
  8. The lucky in a good luck charm
  9. Friends that make the day go faster
  10. Answers that prevent disaster
  11. Catching up when you fall behind
  12. Innocence of a love that’s blind
  13. Anticipation of a task
  14. Comfort knowing the task won’t last
  15. Warmth of laptop atop my lap
  16. Finding the time for a quick nap
  17. Offers to help raise money fast
  18. Kid help without having to ask
  19. No skinnier but no fatter
  20. Popcorn in buttery slather