All posts by Helen

broken tree branches

Very Grateful for~

God’s Power

Finding a live internet feed to watch Wimbledon

the determination of the players (and, it seems, those who wish to see them play)

a new writing journal

Lots of blank pages…waiting

bills paid with auto-deduct

getting reacquainted with a friend, now known as the “Gratitude Gestapo Lady”

being inside out of the wind and heat

Mr. Lynn, who walked up to the house late yesterday afternoon, needing work, and worked two solid hours in the heat removing our huge pile of broken tree branches.

even broken tree branches need care

What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like. ~Saint Augustine

power of one small positive thought

Very Grateful for~
God’s provisions

the power of one small positive thought

the “allergen” setting on the new washer

Mandy and Zonker and their labors of love for our lawn

Jaime, who dug around and found some yogurt for me and then didn’t charge me

Lori’s son, about to leave for his junior hockey team life

a safe move and road trip for Sue

lunch and listening to Judy’s  vision for the children’s center

Amelia, taking care of the deliveries and work-folks at the house

Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude. ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

giving way to this

Very Grateful for:

God’s taps on the shoulder

the super big screen tv broadcasting Wimbledon in the campus commons

finding excuses to venture to the campus commons

egg whites and asparagus on a warm bagel

foregoing butter (this is big!)

finding out that I was right in my understanding of my underpayment

a new washer—after 22 years!

cantaloupe water


…The river…where you set…your foot just now…is gone…those waters giving way to this…
now this… Heraclitus

little treasures, discarded and discounted

Very Grateful for~
God’s anchor
getting the electricity back on after the 2nd storm
not having much damage so not having to file an insurance claim
Mandy, working hard
the patience of neighbors
Linnie and Marlene…
…and their flea market
Finding little treasures, discarded and discounted
a great talk, received well,  for a new audience

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” ~Alia in this post

rain check(ing) in

Very Grateful for~

God’s winks

finishing grades and closing my class on Sunday

only having one job right now instead of the swirling of 4

visiting with my new niece-in-law on Father’s Day

Dad and his happy smile

everybody getting along

3 inches of rain in 45 minutes

riding out the storm safely

Richard, Troy, and David who came to check on us

Ruby, fiercely attacking the fallen tree as if it were a sinister dragon

having enough food to share

It’s what we learn after we think we know it all that really counts. ~ John Wooden

never complained

Very Grateful for~
God’s beginnings

…on checks
…to me

People who write and speak without acronyms

The word– Smithereens

Time and my Dad: It was on the Saturday before Father’s Day, thirteen years ago, that my Dad, on his way to get gasoline for his first vacation in decades, had his first stroke. It has been a challenging and difficult 13 years for him, but he has never complained and is still grateful.

Benjamin Franklin, who on this day in 1752 is believed to have performed his famous kite experiment and proved that lightning, is electricity

Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame. ~Benjamin Franklin

a beginner’s mind

June 13, 2013
Very Grateful for~
God’s beginnings
color photos
innovation and innovators
a beginner’s mind
Crystal’s energy, organization and her love with Dance for Ruth
relief for me, not spilling the beans about Dance for Ruth {whew}
doable challenges
this word: create-ologie
this phrase from Kristin Noelle– “leaning into silence”

I think the biggest internal block (for most of us) is the rationalization that looks like fact but is actually fear. We seek out proof that our fear is justified. ~Seth Godin in this post


June 8, 2013

family without borders

Very Grateful for~

God’s gifts



a rainstorm without damage

waking up to puddles

a successful sale for Sue

eating together–the family meal

Garrett’s encouraging email that propelled me through last week

family without borders

Well-begun is half-done~Mary Poppins

user-name aversions

Very Grateful for~
God’s do-overs

Google Poetics

Remembering my new computer password

Remembering my new email username and password

Getting over my aversion to the euphemism of “user-name”

Beet juice


A scholarship for Justin

And rain

He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world. ~George Washington Carver’s epitaph

a different dance step

Very Grateful for~
God’s do-overs

adjustments, like a different dance step

God, for keeping one hand on my shoulder and one hand on my big mouth!

Being quiet when I really wanted to speak confront

Remembering that this particularly trying event is a “means” to an end, not “the end”

Amelia, finishing her second school year


Reading the encouraging lists here at WLG

Garrett’s, Crystal’s, and Jean’s kindness

Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the
recurring acknowledgement of what is working in our lives can help
us not only survive but surmount our difficulties. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach