All posts by Helen

Halloween Gratitude

Very Grateful for ~

God, who is not scary

The zombie at the coffee shop

The vampire that bagged my groceries

The pirate who sold me stamps

The fisherman who filled my gas tank (or maybe those are his regular clothes)

The butterfly who checked out my books at the library

The not-s0-wicked witch at the cleaners

The Halloween half-off sale beginning a day early

Candy for the treat-o-treaters

Happy Halloween!

Stormy Monday

Very Grateful for ~

God’s blessings

That Garrett and Cassie are ok during the storm

First responders during the hurricane



Good Samaritans


Early warnings


Pets who are taken care of in the storm

When fear knocks on the door, send faith to answer it


Very Grateful for ~
God’s accuracy

A contract for writing work

Extension cords

Ruby, recovered from the bad dog attack

Fall leaves-I love how they change, are affected by their circumstances, and still are beautiful

Listening to Rachel talk about her faith

Listening to Dad talk about the 1970’s

Remembering something I forgot

Hot tea

So far as I know, anything worth hearing is not usually uttered at seven o’clock in the morning; and if it is, it will generally be repeated at a more reasonable hour for a larger and more wakeful audience. Much more likely, if it is worth hearing at all, it will be set down in print where it can be decently enjoyed by dawdling souls, like myself, who lumpishly resist the golden glow of dawn. ~ Moss Hart  :D

Coming in from the rain

Very Grateful for ~

God’s protection

Finding something that I thought was lost

Cleaning out yet another section of stuff

Mail delivery

Garrett’s QTIP concept (Quit Taking It Personally)

Pedicures with Amelia

Right here right now  (I love this poem)


Stepping stools

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. ~Groucho Marx

Poems and Rest

Very Grateful for ~

God’s rest


Cleaning out another cabinet and finding a really pretty serving bowl that I didn’t remember (!)

Old reruns of Frazier

This poem “Gift

This poem “A Prayer Among Friends

Revisiting this poem and picture

Rereading this poem “Turning

The life of Ginny Riggs

It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
(fill in your own word in the underline)

A sky with no clouds not one single cloud

Very Grateful for ~

God’s artistry

A sky with no clouds, not one single cloud

Virus software

45 degrees yesterday morning!

Mom, out of the hospital

Dad’s continuing contented spirit

Allen’s Stone music

Brussels sprouts

Mr. Jayden’s 11th birthday

      Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ~Helen Keller


Very Grateful for ~

God’s patience
The mirror-like reflection on the lake
Mr. H. and the work he does restoring the 1959 cream-colored convertible
Ice cubes
The plumber, who took home-made cookies instead of leaving a bill
E. and M.’s new truck
Conversations with Dad
This blog post: 11 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Sensitivity

Anger makes us sick and weak and bound and the therapy is in the thanks.
Thanks therapy is God’s prescription for joy. ~Ann Voskamp

time, attention, and pumpkins

Very Grateful for ~

God’s patience

the valuable gift of someone’s time and attention

Dad’s resilience


saying “no” when I was tired

not attending that argument, not giving it fuel

beginning to jog again

playing tug-of-war with Ruby


Who, being loved, is poor? ~Oscar Wilde


grace and naps

Very Grateful for ~

God’s grace

Strong skylights during the hail storm

When the electricity came back on

Saturday tennis and Sunday naps

Emails from Rachel




This super insightful post on the choices we have to make ~~wow! Kristen has such insights!

He who takes a review of his blessings, looks upon himself as a person engaged for God ~Puritan Thomas Watson

Chasing a Lemon

Very Grateful for ~

God and Peace


This beautiful Pinterest pin

The “Find” feature on msword and ie: makes things so much easier

Laughing every time during this video of a puppy chasing a lemon

This idea from Rick Hanson: Recognizing the positive intentions in others, we feel safer, more supported, and happier. There’s an ember of sanctity in each one of us, including the one looking back in the mirror. Recognizing good intentions blows on that ember, adds fuel to it, and helps it grow into a warm and beautiful flame

The lighter feeling after laughing


Ruby beside me at night

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. ~Hubert H Humphrey