All posts by Helen

Benevolent Mnemonics

Very Grateful for:

God’s Benevolent Mnemonics

God’s willingness to be our Abba (father)

difficult spelling words that challenge my memory

that accurate spelling still matters

mnemonics to help spell difficult words and names

the book of Isaiah- difficult for me to spell

a mnemonic to spell Isaiah with a focus on the “aia”

the “aia” of “Abba-I-Abba”– The father’s love surrounding us/me

our identity (my identity) is encircled by Abba

“I have called you by your name. You are mine.”  ~Isaiah 43:11


Love in the time of stew and brown bread

Very Grateful for:

God’s Love

Waking up to quiet

Waking up to the remnants of rain

yesterday’s visit with Wendy

Wendy’s gift of two important Bible Verses

making and eating Slow-cooked Guinness Irish Stew

making and eating Guinness Brown Bread

the aroma of the Guinness Brown Bread as it baked

cleaning out another paper-stuffed satchel (to combat feeling overwhelmed, my goal is to only clean one per day)

Ruby’s companionship

“It’s when we face for a moment the worst our kind can do, and shudder to know the taint in our own selves, that awe cracks the mind’s shell and enters the heart.” ~Denise Levertov

Piercing my confusion

Very Grateful for:

God’s Love

the still, small voices

the time after the email, when a small thought pierced my confusion–“that job would have kept you from what God has in mind”

a discussion with the frame shop owner who told me, out of the blue, about the way God orchestrated her purchase of the shop 12 years ago


Cooler temperatures

a chance to talk a walk

an interview for Steven

Dad’s love

 “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus” ~ Mark Twain

Eggs, Doors, Recoveries

Very Grateful for:

God’s recoveries

the recovery of the day through the night

the recovery of the night through the morning

the recovery of the ground through the promise of rain this week

a new concept for me— “recovery wreckers

storm doors — a goal for 21 years realized

the way Ruby took to going in and out of the storm door’s pet door- unlike what we were told- no special training needed

microwave poached eggs

“Recovery is resurrection saturated with love” ~ A. Philip Parham

God’s Fluctuations

Very Grateful for

God’s Fluctuations

Enjoying new work with a collegial, non-punitive team

The team stays attached to goals and not to their egos

Running into an old friend, a math teacher who gave decades of years to our school district

Rain on Monday!

Kona coffee

That there is even time for reading now

Time to sort through files and papers

Time to make a slow, Irish stew

Ice cream cake!

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. ~John Lubbock

magnificent acts of Love

Very Grateful for

God’s pure love

Rain- lots of rain- after such dry, hot days

time to stomp around in the puddles and twirl under the rain drops

Ruby, often brave, reduced to fright at the loud thunder

the unexpectedness of these days

a lovely, lovely hot tea afterward (Pukka brand Fennel, Chicory and Cardamom

Amelia’s long visit

listening to her handle her business


receiving the good news that people are praying for me

“The purest form of love is given with no expectation of return. Measured by this standard, earnest prayer for others is a magnificent act of love.”  ~ David Hubbard


Very Grateful for:

God’s Stretches

the feeling immediately after a stretch

finding out that holding a stretch for the count of 30 actually nurtures more muscles

Leigh Anne

Dr Joyce …

… and her uplifting emails

setting a boundary … and … getting past the first few moments of panic and fear

f.e.a.r. = false evidence appearing real

remembering that it is not real– but born from other fear

remembering to breathe

Blowing out someone else’s candle won’t make yours sign brighter

Soul Muscles Change

Very Grateful for

God’s unchangingness  (not sure if this is a word)

This site–WLG– that lets me post “new” words

Amelia, who was here to help me through the rigidity and devoid-ness of those in places I’ve left behind

Dr. Joyce’s advice to go to the media

Jennifer’s advice to take the high road

Amelia’s advice to “go to the mattresses”

my own still, small voice

the realization that many people mistake non-combativeness for weakness

escape from their toxic stickiness

“Very few things stay the same forever. People change, places change, jobs change, relationships change, fashions change, economics change. Our bodies change, our dreams change, our soul-muscles change. We change our minds. Roll with the changes, incredible you. Cling tight to the things that don’t change…the truths in life that are solid and dependable…and then roll with everything that does change. Change gets us where we need to be, it drives us to do things we wouldn’t have done otherwise, and it helps us see things more clearly. Change wakes us up, keeps things exciting and makes us try harder.”
~~Brave Girls Club,



Very Grateful for

God’s Sun

the boundaries needed to survive a very hot summer

acknowledging the need for protection: sunblock, water, hats, and I even saw someone with a parasol

Amelia’s unexpected visit

getting in a bike ride before sunrise

air conditioning

ceiling fans

the fortitude of the little front porch herb garden

yard sprinklers


The transition from tenseness, self-responsibility, and worry, to equanimity, receptivity, and peace, is the most wonderful of all those shiftings of inner equilibrium, those changes of the personal center of energy, which I have analyzed so often; and the chief wonder of it is that it so often comes about, not by doing, but by simply relaxing and throwing the burden down.  ~ William James

celebratory transitions

Very Grateful for:

God’s transitions

Dad’s 91st birthday

how fortunate we are

saying good bye to kind neighbors

meeting new neighbors

the easing of somatic symptoms

not regretting decisions

time to listen

The transition from tenseness, self-responsibility, and worry, to equanimity, receptivity, and peace, is the most wonderful of all those shiftings of inner equilibrium, those changes of the personal center of energy, which I have analyzed so often; and the chief wonder of it is that it so often comes about, not by doing, but by simply relaxing and throwing the burden down. ~ William James