Sniff? Snif-f-f-f-f-f. Mmmmm!
I’m grateful to work down the street from a bakery.
Sniff? Snif-f-f-f-f-f. Mmmmm!
I’m grateful to work down the street from a bakery.
I’m grateful that my parents’ house has sold, and quickly. He and Mom bought that house 36 years ago, almost to the day.
I’m grateful that my dad is no longer a homeowner, and that he no longer has that care on his shoulders.
I’m grateful for all the years we lived there.
I’m grateful for all the memories we created there, of home and family and children growing into adults and having their own children. For all the things that a home sees – laughter and tears and misunderstandings and moments of enlightenment. They make us who we are.
I’m grateful that some lovely people fell in love with it. I wish them many years of happiness as they build their life in it.
I’m grateful that we can all move on – dad, us “kids”, the new owners, the neighborhood – move on to the next chapter, whatever that might be.
I’m grateful for:
Rainy Sundays. I find rainy days to be creative, productive days. Maybe it’s a leftover from childhood, when we used to spend rainy days indoors doing craft projects.
Making soup. It’s wonderful to have a pot of soup simmering on the back of the stove on a cool Sunday afternoon.
New challenges. Whew! Talk about stretching and growing.
Getting that dang newsletter done! :)
Watching my little seeds sprout and knowing that in just a few short weeks they’ll be giant sunflowers.
Living a colorful life.
Going to bed at a reasonable hour.
I’m grateful for:
p.s. Lovin’ the new site!