All posts by Raven


Finally getting my truck back after a month of stress & insurance yuckiness. 
Having lots of fun new bumper stickers to replace my old ones, since I had to get a new bumper & tailgate.
Also, I’m thankful that I wasn’t injured in the accident, just inconvenienced by the situation.  That is a huge blessing (I have to keep reminding myself of that while dealing with insurance companies & mechanics.)
Getting excited about starting a biz for myself & living my purpose.  The words and ideas are finally starting to flow. 
Starting to get confident that this will work out, even though it’s terrifying.
Finding a web designer whose work I love, who I feel will be a perfect fit for my vision & who will help me work within my budget.  (Sometimes those connections are right under your nose.) 

Art Weekend

Learning so much new wonderful stuff in my course.
Learning to play with web design & having a blast. 
3 Day WEEKEND!!!
Art time this weekend with vision boarding.
Beach weather.
Ordering new bumper stickers to replace those I lost in the wreck!
Finally starting to see the plan & the path & knowing I only need to see the first step. 
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.


Starting a new week with a fresh outlook.
Ever widening circles of amazing women who are now friends.
A beautiful walk on the beach, followed by ice cream!
Taking my health seriously again.
Wonderful rain on our garden.
New books to dive into.

Mother Theresa’s blessing is really sinking in right now:

May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

  1. Glad the snake that got into our house is gone (talk about excitement)
  2. Enjoyed a wonderful holiday lunch with Grandma & dinner with the whole family
  3. Had a wonderful weekend of family & friends & fun
  4. The beginning of a new art workshop that is incredibly exciting
  5. So much new growth springing into my life that I can barely keep up
  6. Online community that gets more interesting & comfortable daily
  7. Sandal weather
  8. Chocolate with orange pieces
  9. Listening to Corrinne Bailey Rae’s song Put Your Records On makes me smile & dance!
  10. “The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” -Albert Einstein

Earth Day (every day)

  1. Our beautiful planet
  2. Wonderful, life-giving clean water
  3. Sustainable, local food sources at my farmer’s market
  4. Making my own cleaning supplies is cheaper & safer
  5. We got a deep freezer today on Craigslist so we’ll be able to store more local food for the winter!
  6. Plans with good friends to enjoy the riverfront tomorrow
  7. Oceans of love
  8. Trees, flowers, rainbows, chirping birds, so much joy in nature
  9. Understanding it’s our job to make a difference, every day
  10. We have a beautiful mother,  
    Her hills are buffaloes
    Her buffaloes hills.
    We have a beautiful mother
    Her oceans are wombs
    Her wombs oceans.
    We have a beautiful mother
    Her teeth the white stones
    at the edge of the water
    the summer grasses
    her plentiful hair.
    We have a beautiful mother
    Her green lap immense
    Her brown embrace eternal
    Her blue body everything we know. -Alice Walker

Sunshine & Doodles

  1. Sunshine on my face
  2. New opportunities for work
  3. Compassion Charter
  4. Bones, the TV show (I may be addicted)
  5. Still wearing purple & turquoise combos- it’s this week’s theme & it feels really good
  6. Reading a terrific book on Cleopatra’s children
  7. Our family in Mansa is safe, despite the chaos that is going on
  8. Getting into our CSA at the last minute, but still getting goodies
  9. My head is buzzing with creative energy & so many projects to do
  10. Doodles that make me smile during boring meetings

Turquoise & Purple

  1. Wearing my new turquoise top
  2. Thrifting to find lovely deals like my top
  3. Fixing an old favorite earring to wear again
  4. Blueberry Smoothie breakfast- yum!
  5. A lovely & rewarding return to the Farmer’s Market this weekend
  6. Listening to the birds chirping their greetings to the morning
  7. Safety through some nasty weather this weekend
  8. My totally cool purple shoes- they make me wanna dance
  9. Cyndi Lauper!
  10. Today’s FB status: “Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough” -Emily Dickinson


Having pizza again after so long- still yummy!
Friday means 2 days to read & art & enjoy
Flip flops
Chocolate cookies
Skyping across the ocean with far-away but still dear friends
Time to start the garden!
Desk dancing to Brown-Eyed Girl
Date night with the hubby;)
“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.” -Wayne Dyer