1. I love reading Ruth’s lists that are dedicated to specific individuals. I had to laugh at myself when I realized I could compose a whole list, just about things my dog does. I thought it best to include my son, too…They are quite a pair!
2. We got a chocolate lab puppy when Logan was four. He couldn’t stand her and her pointy little teeth, and asked many times if we could return her to her mother. I felt so bad, but it didn’t take long until they were best buddies.
3. He picked her name, Sugaree. It is a Grateful Dead song. He’s not much into their music anymore, so I sometimes wonder what he would name a new dog. Eleanor Rigby, maybe?! <3
4. Sugaree knows just how to work every member of the family.
5. Every night when Logan is ready for bed, he calls down "I'm ready!". Sugaree perks up because she knows it's time to go tuck him in. Mom and Dad give hugs and kisses and then it's time for her kisses. Sometimes the two of them get carried away, and we have to put a stop to it!
6. Most mornings she comes with me to wake him up. She likes to jump up in his bed and lay on him and nibble him until he gets up. She is a big dog, weighing only about 10 lbs less than him. :)
7. The mornings that we don't wake him, she lounges at the bottom of the stairs and springs into action when she hears him stirring. With a wagging tail she waits to smother him with love…
8. I never had a dog before, and I didn't know that I would love her immediately and as much as I do. Watching her and Logan grow up together is so much fun!
9. When Logan and his friends play outside, Sugaree is very aware of them.
10. The love of a boy for his dog…and the love of a dog for her boy.