All posts by AndreaRose

Sunday Morning…

1. Feeling better…I was so tired after our strawberry experience. I think in the future, I am boycotting strawberry jam. Lol

2. Our garden looks so neat and tidy…I am so grateful that we have somehow been able to keep up with the weeds.

3. Email…I am grateful that it is so easy to share photos with a far away friend (even if the photos were posting upside down). <3

4. Online shopping…and quick shipping

5. My mom made it home, safe and sound.

6. Discovering new interests

7. A nice chat with my next door neighbor, Fred

8. Fresh eggs…one of my favorite things

9. I am grateful for learning to keep my mouth shut, when it's for the best. :)

10. Thinking outside the box…

Oh, Sweet Strawberries…

1. My mom, Logan, and I picked 78 pounds of strawberries! Yikes!

2. I am so glad that we went early in the morning before it got too hot.

3. Logan was miserable, but he managed to do a pretty good job of picking. He sure earns his allowance. <3

4. The nice and funny ladies that checked us out after we had finished picking…They were impressed with what we picked!

5. Strawberry jam…We made two batches. For some reason strawberry jam doesn't agree with me…Today I am going to try it again and I WILL figure out how to get perfect jam!!! I do have some delicious strawberry syrup, though. Lol

6. My husband helped us get all the berries prepared. What didn't go for jam or get set aside for eating fresh (and shortcake :) ) are already in the freezer.

7. Strawberry Shortcake…Such a treat!

8. Planning ahead…I try to eat seasonally, so I am grateful that we are able to put up fruits and vegetables when they are in season. I do complain about the work sometimes, but I will be happy in the winter. I will be happy in the winter. I will be happy in the winter. I have to keep reminding myself! :)

9. A friend with chicken wants to barter for vegetables. AND her kids like okra…That horrible, prolific little vegetable.

10. Dealing with strawberries for 10 hours and still getting a nice dog walk in, just before dark. Yay for both of us!


1. Going with the flow as plans keep changing…I think we’ve got it, now! :)

2. Trying to be smooth and take a sneaky picture of the mailman to send to his daughter…I wasn’t able to get one, but I did amuse myself. Lol

3. Oh man…I picked a ton of broccoli from the garden. I tried freezing it for the first time. It’s so exciting to grow food!
4. My sweet dog loves broccoli and enjoyed eating it fresh from the garden…My husband reminded me about the time I fed her snap peas from the garden and how after that she would pick them and eat them. I thought it was cute, but he didn’t!

5. My mom is coming to pick strawberries and make jam. We don’t grow our own strawberries, but there is a plan in the works…

6. Getting messages from people who saw my work and are interested in getting some for themselves…How exciting!

7. My husband…Learning and growing <3

8. Living close to the nicest park in our area…It's soon to be home to a three acre dog park!

9. People who have a reasonable amount of control over their dogs…Sometimes Sugaree is a stinker, but I am so grateful that she behaves on leash (most of the time!).

10. Taking the time to pause and appreciate my surroundings…

Tuesday Gratitude <3

1. The sound of my son’s laughter…He’s always been such a happy boy. <3

2. Taking pictures of my dog…She's such a joy!

3. Brainstorming with a friend…It's so much fun to listen and give input about upcoming projects.

4. Gardening as a family…It's so rewarding.

5. Finding out what a good and trustworthy friend Logan is

6. Listening to that inner voice even when I would rather ignore it…It's always for the best, but not always easy!

7. I took a nice long nap this afternoon.

8. To do lists

9. Finding a way to help someone in need

10. Gratitude <3


1. Having Logan home safe and sound…He and Ellie went for a bike ride and when it started getting dark, we started to panic. The two dads were out on bikes looking for them while Ellie’s mother and I were driving around, looking for them. At 10:00 they showed up just when we had gone into full freak out mode…I have never been so relieved! It is not like them to pull such a stunt, but apparently they had quite a little adventure. <3

2. My husband remained calm and was sure that they were safe. He was out on his bike when I called him to say they were home, and he was amazing.

3. Taking Wayne out for Father's Day brunch with money I earned…

4. The nice talk I had with Ellie's mom about what an important relationship our kids have…

5. The cute little homeschool girl that I met in Oberlin. She was set up across from me, selling jewelry that she made. Of course I bought a bracelet from her. She was the same age as Logan and reminded me of him and his cookie sales. :)

6. Having enough money to pay the bills and keep up our old house…As much as I really couldn't stand military life, I'm glad he served long enough to retire.

7. Getting up early in the morning and getting things done

8. Taking the rest of the day off

9. Logan's full social calendar…He is so amazing!

10. Evening dog walks…

Father’s Day

1. A nice quiet morning with my husband…Sitting close, sipping coffee, and verbally expressing my gratitude for him. I am so grateful that our sweet boy has his daddy.

2. My dad. He is always there for me. It is such a blessing to know that I can always trust and count of both of my parents.

3. They both traveled an hour to help me set up and tear down my booth, yesterday. For the eight hours in between they just hung out under a shade tree, enjoying the sights and sounds of the festival.

4. Oberlin, OH…It was my first time there, and I sold more dyes than I ever have! It was a beautiful day, and I met the most wonderful people. I came home and told my husband that I would like to live there. What a neat little town!

5. My dog was so excited to see me when I got home, that after she said hello, she started doing laps…So funny! <3

6. My husband sending me text messages to keep me updated on Logan's swim meet…I hate missing his events, but I love being kept up to date on how he's doing. I think it is good for him to be with just his dad, though…and good for me to do my thing. :)

7. Driving a long way, to an unfamiliar destination…by myself. It didn't used to be a big deal, but it is a big deal.

8. There are seven heads of broccoli out in the garden that need to be picked!

9. Our garden…I'm so grateful that we are able to grow our own food.

10. Love <3

So Grateful…

1. Even though I couldn’t be there, I have loved seeing the photos and watching the video of Ruth’s flash mob.

2. Doing what I can do, and not beating myself up for doing what I can’t do…like not being able to go even though I REALLY wanted to… <3

3. The way things happen the way they are supposed to, even when we don't understand it…

4. Being available when a friend wanted to talk…My husband and son were gone, so I had a whole hour to talk! I almost said uninterrupted, but the dog did interrupt a couple of times. Lol

5. A whole batch of dyes that are all winners…Usually there's a dud in a big batch. :)

6. My parents are meeting me on Saturday to help me sell my wares.

7. My husband is working so hard at school…These summer classes are a bear!

8. Using my time wisely

9. Planting marigolds in the garden…It drives Wayne crazy, but I love them!

10. Summer in Ohio

A Boy and His Dog…

1. I love reading Ruth’s lists that are dedicated to specific individuals. I had to laugh at myself when I realized I could compose a whole list, just about things my dog does. I thought it best to include my son, too…They are quite a pair!

2. We got a chocolate lab puppy when Logan was four. He couldn’t stand her and her pointy little teeth, and asked many times if we could return her to her mother. I felt so bad, but it didn’t take long until they were best buddies.

3. He picked her name, Sugaree. It is a Grateful Dead song. He’s not much into their music anymore, so I sometimes wonder what he would name a new dog. Eleanor Rigby, maybe?! <3

4. Sugaree knows just how to work every member of the family.

5. Every night when Logan is ready for bed, he calls down "I'm ready!". Sugaree perks up because she knows it's time to go tuck him in. Mom and Dad give hugs and kisses and then it's time for her kisses. Sometimes the two of them get carried away, and we have to put a stop to it!

6. Most mornings she comes with me to wake him up. She likes to jump up in his bed and lay on him and nibble him until he gets up. She is a big dog, weighing only about 10 lbs less than him. :)

7. The mornings that we don't wake him, she lounges at the bottom of the stairs and springs into action when she hears him stirring. With a wagging tail she waits to smother him with love…

8. I never had a dog before, and I didn't know that I would love her immediately and as much as I do. Watching her and Logan grow up together is so much fun!

9. When Logan and his friends play outside, Sugaree is very aware of them.

10. The love of a boy for his dog…and the love of a dog for her boy.

Mellow Monday

1. A fairly easy day, after a long couple of days…

2. The music festival was a success. There are many more of my creations out in the world! Logan was also successful, selling his cookies for the first time. I am so proud of him!

3. I do get wrapped pretty tight before a show, but once my booth is set up and the people start coming, I am in heaven!

4. This was the first time that I set up without the help of my husband’s help. I CAN do it. :)

5. Thinking about where I’ll go next…

6. Catching up with a few days worth of lists…I am so grateful for all who share their gratitude. What a gift this site is!

7. Using my lousy, rotten experiences to help someone else…

8. Listening

9. I am getting very close to my goal weight!

10. Now. Sipping coffee in my jammies, watching Logan build Legos, my dog at my feet, the sound of the washer and dryer going…I’m grateful for every bit of it. <3

Where to Begin…

1. Fighting the urge to be overwhelmed when there’s a lot going on

2. Having things (kind of) together

3. Wayne’s understanding of my mindset the day before a show…and the first one of the year <3

4. My house looks like a tie-dye factory exploded. Well, I guess it kind of did!

5. Taking the time to bake cookies with Logan

6. My mom called to say that she and my dad are coming and my brother is coming, too.

7. Another local tie-dyer and I are going to set up together, so we should be quite a spectacle. :)

8. Seeing young people getting out there and doing big things to try and make our community better

9. Planning what I'm going to eat…I like to be prepared!

10. Walking in love