All posts by Crystal

Thank you

  1. So many blessings received today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude
  2. The deep blue sky this morning as the sun tried to shine behind the thick clouds that were slowly rolling away- it cast the most enchanting blue 
  3. All my shopping done, though admittedly not a lot for many, but a good ones for a few
  4. All my wrapping done, save something that hasn’t arrived yet
  5. A long walk with the girls in the stroller, I am amazed it’s still warm enough to do this
  6. Met with the inlaws to see Archie, the 18′ (?) tall snowman who lives in the mall and talks. An Akron tradition. 
  7. Trusting my gut. Also, riding the escalator with my daugher
  8. Firefighters were also there passing out candy, and when my eldest came by they surrounded her, offering stickers, suckers, candy canes. And I flushed on her behalf 
  9. A long, lovely chat with my aunt, who I adore and am proud to be like
  10. This precious day

Thank you

  1. Cold! Cold enough for shivers and red noses and flakes of snow
  2. Deeply touching reminders of MT
  3. My husband
  4. Wrapping gifts for the girls today, santa’s and ours. :)
  5. Genuine love for others
  6. Calm and peacefulness
  7. Presence
  8. New information for our house plan search
  9. Christmas dresses for the girls
  10. This

Thank you

  1. For breath
  2. For eyes
  3. For lips and speech
  4. For backbone, ribs
  5. For heart
  6. For brain
  7. For hands and fingers, wrists that turn and flick and support lifts
  8. Toes that balance and knees that bend
  9. Stomach and intestines etc that send fuel into it all
  10. Skin

Thank you

  1. Great meeting with (hopefully) our builder
  2. Lots of options and choices
  3. Open focus thinking
  4. Seeing clearer from bird’s-eye view
  5. Walks
  6. Doing what I need to do
  7. Great questions
  8. Assessing how I present myself to the world
  9. Mail! :)
  10. This amazing life

Thank you

  1. To the person in car in front of us who paid for our Starbucks order
  2. For a little walk and a little workout, which helped me feel human instead of machine
  3. For sparkly Christmas lights
  4. For presence and patience and seeing the heart of a friend
  5. For leveling up by way of deeper humility
  6. For not having to do it all or know it all
  7. For the amazing apples at Krieger’s
  8. For peace 
  9. For sending love instead of fear and resentment
  10. Focus

Thank you

  1. Remembering to be thankful
  2. Listening to my gut
  3. Fun with words
  4. The things that encourage change (even the UGH things)
  5. Setting things up in record time
  6. Opening a new door
  7. Everyone benefitting
  8. Love inside, love outside
  9. Affirming messages
  10. This life

Thank you

  1. Seeing the probable truth instead of the false lens of negative core belief
  2. Being of the mind to understand what that even means
  3. Clarity that I haven’t experienced in ages
  4. Powerful collaborations
  5. Sending out something different, and receiving back things entirely new
  6. Getting through the tough days
  7. All the incredible life-saving conveniences. Literally, drugstores are on every corner and are full of things that save lives
  8. Time
  9. Quiet
  10. A walk, my husband, and a clear head