All posts by Crystal


1. My youngest is sick again with throwing up, and I’m sitting up holding her while she sleeps. I am so grateful to be able to do this.
2. My husband brought towels and wrangles our oldest so I could focus on H
3. Her breathing is steady and she seems in a deep, good sleep. One of the best things for healing.
4. Writing and drawing today in little bits- reading Lucy Knisley’s Displacement which is eerily parallel to some of the thoughts I’m going through, some of the situations I’ve recorded in comic form even
5. Inspiration, even in grief
6. Interesting sunchronicities with a friend’s nearness to our new apt (we move in Fri) and creative collaboration
7. Sleeping family, my loves
8. Realizing my interpretation was wrong, after the fact, and learning from that
9. Warm, bare-shoulder weather
10. This beautiful moment


Honoring the inner call to write
And a few hours later, I was asked by an aquaintence, “have you written any more books?”
Being prolific (I receive it ;)
A great get together with conscious, loving women
Feeling when I’m not being honest, either with myself or others, and doing something differently
Paying attention
My daughter’s joy
Spring- sundress weather
Flip flops
Comfort and joy


Time to catch up on things
Taking the plunge and doing something for me
The library
Epic naps
Essential oils
Rain and thunder
Listening to my intuition
My amazing daughters
Planning but being open to whatever arises


Taking a slightly slower day
Being true to myself
Taking good care
Coffee with heavy cream, my treat of late
Doing what I need to do, even as I see old habits popping up
New shoes
Watching from a mindful place- the True Self
Acknowledging when it’s not right

In between

1. Trying to be “here” fully and not telling a story of “we’re in-between” or “we’re waiting for…”
2. Tessa and G, I love them
3. Relaxing my shoulders
4. Taking a deep breath
5. Thanking for so much, and so much to be thankful for
6. Thinking up fun things for a surprise
7. Friends who offer furniture
8. A blank slate to have fun with
9. Inching closer to allowing myself more joy
10. This moment

Grateful again, more

1. Garrett, who is a hero in our house, whose books poke out from every corner, even when most of them are in storage
2. Dreams coming true with a friend
3. Taking the time to focus, extra, on my eldest during all these hard changes
4. Changing things when she needs something different
5. Watching myself, the past few days, go into survival mode and seeing it from a mindful place
6. Watching lightening this morning
7. The unexpected and unknown- being content to not know
8. Feeling glorious
9. Wonderful friends and family
10. This

Grateful as if it has already come to pass

1. Thank you for a marvelous home that we love, and feel comfortable in, in the perfect location
2. Thank you for a safe and wonderful place to stay before we found* it
3. Thank you for an abundance of creative and recharging time
4. Thank you for regular get-togethers with my dear friends
5. Thank you for a fun and joy-filled summer with my two girls and husband
6. Thank you for the materials I wanted for the preschool things to start with Ava
7. Thank you for safety, routine, and comfort for our family
8. Thank you foe the ability and resources to buy and cook and keep good fresh food
9. Thank you for fresh, clean water
10. Thank you for so much more than I even think to ask for

*see title


1. Honesty
2. Realizing how much I’d been stressed when my body said, oh hi, pay attention now please? Because our bodies are awesome and always tell it like it is. Thank you body.
3. Watching myself from a higher place and seeing where big failings are. Seeing is the biggest gift.
4. Profound realization of what Is me and what Isn’t me, and what is coping
5. A renewed commitment to not taking in what (most) other people think
6. Appreciating my MT family (wish I could be with you all today!)
7. Understanding my husband more deeply
8. Possibilities as we look for a house and, before that, an apartment
9. Doing what my heart wants
10. Gratitude, my cornerstone


Gratitude for what will be as if it already is
Daring to dream
The sound of the rain
A fun motivational song to change the way I was feeling
Reading to my girls (Garrett, you are awesome)
Easing back into my routine after being thrown a bit
Remembering that home is my body- not outside of it
Looking forward to shopping with a dear friend
Energy and enthusiasm
Gratitude, which changes everything (and virtually erases suffering)


  1. Making a list of things I’d rather do
  2. Honesty and saying, “this house isn’t it”
  3. Relief
  4. Writing poems in April with a friend
  5. A wonderful surprise from Garrett- a picture book about Home for my daughters, absolutely perfect during this transition time
  6. Martha Beck
  7. Compassion (and Compassion It)
  8. A commitment to beauty
  9. Resting
  10. “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith