All posts by Crystal


1. A completely flattering request
2. Doing great work with great people
3. Social emotional learning
4. Quiet time
5. Seeing changes I’ve never seen before
6. Aka paying close attention
7. Mentors and inspiring people
8. Trying things, and letting it go when it doesn’t work out (even learning from it, hopefully)
9. Attaching my work to my values and noticing amazing results (a la John Demartini)
10. A compliment from my husband


Roses in a little vase upstairs
Small fixes
Beauty in the midst of transition
Beauty anytime
Baby asleep on my chest
The accident right behind us didn’t hit us
Identifying an upper limit symptom and moving forward
Martha Beck’s Joy Diet book
Writing down desires and getting to the root of them
Commitment to me


Trusting that “no news is good news”
Creative lettering
An adorable card from sil
Not finishing when I really didn’t want to
Fresh water
A wonderful friend on the journey
Feeling good
The joy of gratitude
Having an experience I’ve never had before


Looking at a few places, getting our feet wet
An epic nap when we all needed one
Seeing somewhat more clearly- understanding what it is exactly
Not going where I felt strongly I shouldn’t
A mom friend
Sticking to what’s important
Bought myself roses


Choosing gratitude instead
Understanding another’s frustration, even if I can’t fix it
Doing what I can
Watering my secret garden
Open doors, open hearts
Beauty shared
When a meal becomes great with just an ingredient or two


Doing something that I’ve always wanted to do
The joy of eating
The joy of cooking
When my plans get derailed
Things working out
Slowly, exquisitely eating chocolate
My daughter asking why my eyes were closed “because it’s delicious”
Watching the snow fall and the fire crackle
Holding a baby


Quiet after a long day
New benchmarks
Really good chocolate
Getting clear about what I want (chocolate is on the list, of course)
Figuring it out
Improvising, and loving the result even better
Kale in garlic & butter
Pinterest, and all things searchable


1. A whirlwind day when all of Ohio wanted to see our house
2. Thankfully Mayra let us come over and spend hours
3. Her daughter C so patiently and lovingly spent time with A, who of course adores her to the moon & back now
4. The roads weren’t too bad coming home
5. Mark rescued my ring when I left it on windowsill
6. Sticking to what’s important even when rushed and out of my element
7. Actually handling things pretty well
8. My sweet girls who make it about as easy as they could for being a baby&toddler
9. Friends and places to go
10. Every moment of this