Sally, who said today, it’s never a lack of resources, it’s a lack of resourcefulness.
Figuring out how to work with what I have is such a fun challenge, it’s like a game- how many ways can I make this happen with only this and this? What’s the most fun way? What’s the silliest? What would make me laugh?
Sleepy babies
Books from the library
Eloquent writers- and knowing I’ll get to read something by a local favorite soon:)
Being able to help Mark put new trim on the garage- I just held two pieces, but it was nice to help
Oregano oil has kept my cold from turning into bronchitis- and I ALWAYS get bronchitis with a sinus cold, so I’m hugely grateful and a believer in oregano!
Natural ways to solve things, gentle methods that may work slowly, which is a blessing too if you think about it
Realizing how little we need and how much of it we have
A home
Great neighbors and a larger community
Friends that blow me away with their love and sharing (looking at you, dear friend!)
Great food shipped to every city in America, almost daily
Ways to communicate
Freedom to write, draw, speak, pursue our heart’s desires
“We need money, we think. We need this and we need that. We must accumulate these things so that someday, we can exist free of the need to accumulate these things. So that someday, we can occupy our lives to the extend we know is possible, but cannot afford just yet.I probably do not need to point out that this is a trap.”
-Ben Hewitt, Saved