All posts by Crystal

Always Together but Finally in Person

from Crystal:

  1. The moment I saw my grandma after two years
  2. My grandpa’s stories
  3. Honoring my Aunt Belle, my namesake, and her life and beautiful spirit
  4. The way it feels to be at grandma’s- the smells, the familiar furniture and dishes, the unconditional love
  5. Seeing my daughters with my grandma, in her house, the ages I used to be

from Jean:

  1. Biggest hugs ever! Being with granddaughter and her wonderful husband, our very precious great-granddaughters- and yet almost as if they hadn’t been away.
  2. Catching up on our family tree from waayy back- before the Mayflower? 😊
  3. Enjoying simple things together of everyday life, what we think about doing when we are apart.
  4. Looking at each face and grateful for our health and vitality.
  5. Ava and Hannah’s art projects, my living room floor is covered with love!
  6. A blessing to be doing this list together! 💗

Good Things

  1. Afternoon slate-blue sky as the birds hush and the air crackles
  2. Lemon tree blossoms
  3. My fearless daughters
  4. Pure rest
  5. Neighbors straight from God
  6. The jade plant’s dripping thick green leaves
  7. All my favorite authors
  8. Mary Ellen and Garrett are two
  9. If I had the power to put Sally’s words online every day, I would, and consider myself having served the world
  10. God

Thank you

  1. Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet
  2. Listening to it on the radio in the car with Ava, on the way to her violin lesson. We were both enchanted, listening for the story. When we got to the lesson she told her teacher about it, who exclaimed, “that’s my favorite song!”
  3. Reading beloved stories to the girls
  4. A get-together with friends, old and new
  5. Sewing
  6. Being able to help
  7. Made WLG a “secure” site
  8. Fresh fruit
  9. A walk in the woods
  10. Prayer


  1. Mary Ellen’s grounding presence
  2. Discovered new poets today, John Berger and Charles Wright and am looking forward to reading more
  3. Deep inner wells
  4. The power of words
  5. An app for everything
  6. Walking in the woods with my girls
  7. Cooking
  8. Spices
  9. All things horses
  10. And in honor of James’ lists, Now.


  1. When I type in “We Love Gratitude” I smile with gratitude at all the others here who make us “we” and how much we love to share our gratitude together. Thank you for being here, beautiful souls 💓
  2. When I was younger my mom told me that the sky is always dark for part of the afternoon on Good Friday, in honor of Jesus’ crucifixion, and I’ve never noticed a Good Friday when this wasn’t true.
  3. We have EPICALLY amazing neighbors, and I am blown away more and more every day by their generosity and kindness
  4. Time, time to walk around, to look for four-leaf clovers (found one) and just talk and plan
  5. Putting everything in God’s hands
  6. This post which was exactly what I needed to read (via ma mere)
  7. Watching the rain fall
  8. Quiet
  9. Drawing, writing
  10. Work

Palm Sunday

  1. Cinnamon tea (tea is one of my favorite things)
  2. Spring rains
  3. A blue-grey kitty on the chair beside me
  4. My healthy, growing, glowing daughters
  5. Fourteen apple trees in their specially-prepared holes, all along the driveway. Jonafree, Winecrisp, Enterprise, Goldrush.
  6. Pages of notes on life
  7. An Eastern bluebird and his mate searching for worms in the wet grass
  8. Doing more than what’s needed
  9. Offering, asking…
  10. Palm Sunday

Ultimate Gratitude

  1. Shoveling
  2. Hauling dirt
  3. Splitting logs
  4. A wonderful day with a dear friend
  5. Drawing
  6. Going through old notebooks
  7. Good books
  8. Coziness
  9. Letting go
  10. “The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career. ” -C.S. Lewis


  1. Taking the less-reactive path
  2. Another long day of hard work
  3. Leaning in instead of avoiding
  4. Strong hands
  5. Like minds
  6. Deep breaths of happy satisfaction
  7. The joy of work
  8. Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit
  9.  Great neighbors
  10. “Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is a result of good work habits. That’s it in a nutshell.” -Twyla Tharp