All posts by Crystal

Silence Bath

  1. A dear, dear friend
  2. When friends really are like family (so, so rare!)
  3. The weight of so much worry dropping from my shoulders
  4. Empowered, connected, creative women
  5. Women supporting women
  6. The grey catbird, which makes my mama-heart stop every single time and wonder if there’s a kitten nearby, and now reminds me of Sally, who has a special connection to them too
  7. Mistakes as the path
  8. “There are times when I have to take, I call it a ‘silence bath,’ where I shut off all of the external gadgets. I go walk around, talk to people, and just live life for a while.” Patton Oswalt
  9. Breathing & letting go
  10. This

Fun regardless

  1. Going out on the lake
  2. A little electric boat
  3. Watching three blue herons walk magestically
  4. The beauty of open water
  5. Fifteen minutes later, little drops of rain started, how pleasant
  6. Within five minutes, we were drenched and laughing (well)
  7. Then the battery for the boat died! How hilarious
  8. Luckily we had a backup
  9. And since we were only out for about 30 minutes, the nice boat rental man didn’t charge us a penny. A free adventure!
  10. This


  1. An abundance of creativity
  2. time
  3. mornings
  4. fresh fruit
  5. meeting with a fellow “weird mom” :)
  6. kale plants
  7. children with loving hearts who were there for my daughter
  8. Drawing
  9. painting
  10. this


  1. A rainy, misty afternoon
  2. A visit from a dear friend
  3. Making things in the woods
  4. A perfect, deep nap, thanks to soothing, gentle energy in the house
  5. A beautiful new book for my little girl
  6. Positive comments about my drawings
  7. Listening to my intuition
  8. Holding a human inside myself
  9. Anticipation
  10. This


  1. Last Child in the Woods, which I thought would be a parenting book, but instead it’s a whole-life, whole-world, please God let everyone on the planet read this TODAY book. It’s changing me deeply.
  2. A friend loaned me a cd for labor, and I think it’ll be just perfect
  3. My MIL and my toddler played together this morning, and I had the opportunity to sleep- and oh, what a blissful rest it was!
  4. I woke with a dancing violinist in my head
  5. A friend who’s willing to drive an hour to visit ( Love love love!)
  6. John Muir
  7. A vase of peonies from my MIL, I am over-the-top in love with this flower
  8. Connecting deeply with a new(er) friend
  9. Doing hard things only to discover they’re not so bad
  10. Now


  1. Fans
  2. Projects
  3. Time to paint
  4. Learning as I go
  5. The most beautiful blue
  6. Finding joy even in discomfort
  7. Especially when there’s watermelon in the house
  8. Perhaps aptly? It looks like I swallowed one whole
  9. Prayer
  10. This