All posts by branstetter412


1.  Silence and time when I am not thinking.  When I realize that I do not have to search for anything, including happiness, peace, love or joy.  Realizing I don’t have to think my way into peace.  Peace is always there and all I have to do is stop searching.  Times when I accept my life just as it is and surrender to the beauty of the present moment.  Knowing I am right where I need to be.  For this I am grateful.


Grateful for Suzie, Evelyn and Lillian, Mom and Dad, Louie (cat).
Grateful for the peace I have available every single day.
Grateful for the wisdom of those who have come before me.
Grateful I switched from smoking cigarettes to using Swedish Snus.
My friend Rick is a great guy. Loyal and funny are just a few of his great qualities.