All posts by DianeN.

Nice to be back

New pool being installed after 1.5 year wait!  Should be done in couple of days.

Got a procedure today to help lower my pain. 3 more to be done in near future.

Lunch with my step dad.

My daughter and I having a better relationship.

Re watching Downton Abby and enjoying it all over again.


Getting there gratitude

A spell of warm, sunny days to do a project I have wanted to complete for 3 years on the house!  yeahhh.

The love and bond my daughter and I have with and for each other.  I am so proud of her every single minute!

Keeping stress in perspective.

Making wise choices, which makes me feel empowered.

Counting blessings.

Changing an attitude and watching everything else in your life change right behind it.  It is amazing.

Being proud of yourself when you use knowledge that you have collected over the years and realize it has actually become second nature to think that way now.

Our puppy Cricket who is such a joy and true blessing in our home.

Abundance.  In many shapes and forms.

Its been a long week gratitude list

The pay you get after working long hours.

Listening to the frogs and crickets last night on a peaceful evening.


Being nervous about working with someone new but actually have a good time.

That I have been feeling really good lately.

That I have a good head on my shoulders and that that head is full with a good thinking brain.

When people are happy to see you.

Staying in the present.

Focusing on the good.

Long chats with my daughter.

Good List for Saturday

Rolling with change instead of trying to control it.

Feeling closer to my daughter this summer than I ever have.

Sensitive people.

Being there for people.

Having a dependable car.

Cooler temperature!

When crazymakers no longer bother you….and to see the disappointment in their faces.

When things fall into place.

Being able to provide wonderful new school clothes for my daughter.

Hearing compliments.

Better yet, giving compliments to yourself.


Happy Tuesday Gratitude List

The beautiful day today!

Beautiful blue skys, a cooling breeze and the sounds of nature.

Shopping and having lunch with my daughter.

Being proud of myself for being tobacco and nicotine free after 35 years.  7 weeks and going strong!

Breathing deeply, being able to smell more sensitively.

Friends who give you delicious vegetables from their gardens.

Movies that make you think.

Saying nice things to yourself.




Everything Good Monday

Our new little puppy and all the joy, laughter and love she brings to our home.   

How we picked so well and have a perfect match for the new additon to our family.

That my daughter is doing so extremely well!! 

That a funeral is over and my dear friend is doing better after losing her husband suddenly.  I even saw a smile yesterday.

Estrogen!!!   I am feeling SO much better.  haha

A warm, sunny weekend and all the glorious yard work I got done.  So good for the soul.

Deciding to have a celebration for my 50th birthday later in the summer.  Just to celebrate ME  :)

Some really, really great news in the mail on Saturday that lifted about 1,000 lbs. off my shoulders.

Butterflies!  Loving them already.

The smell of lilac.  My favorite.

Cutting the grass enveloped in the aroma of honeysuckle in the back yard.

Trying to find time to myself Tuesday

Compromising when it is the best thing to do.

Quiet time in the library.

Ideas that pop up out of nowhere.

Thunder and lightening when its dark out.

Accomplishing everything but 1 thing on my to-do list today.  Not bad.

Asking for help when needed.  New concept for me but am getting used to it slowly.

Genuinely feeling happy for someone.

Trust.  It CAN be ok.

Positive affirmations.

Doing nice little things for yourself.

Sunny Friday good list

Making tough decisions even though it would be easier not to.  Strength

Making a committment and feeling peace about it.  Courage

Finding time to do some yard work yesterday.  It was very good for my soul.

Taking my mom’s dog for a long walk yesterday and enjoying his company.

Having a clear head.

People who are willing to share difficult journeys with you.

The feeling of knowing you are not alone and that you have love and support. 

A get together with a few friends tonight.  Looking forward to the laughter and catching up.

A beautiful necklace I saw on a friend yesterday that was one-0f-a-kind from Etsy.  A nest of robin eggs with a dangling bird.  You had to see it to appreciate it.

Colorful flowers springing up. 

Forsynthia bushes.

My daughters smile.

Friday Good List

Finishing a big project at work and getting an e-mail from my boss that said “Great Job!”

Hearing a song on the radio that takes you back in time to a good place.

Planning yard work!  One of the things I just love.  Can’t wait to get back out there.

My daughter being on spring break this week and all the fun things we have done together and even just hanging out.  I have enjoyed it.

Taking the trash out this morning thinking it was Monday when actually it is Friday,,, ,and getting a good laugh out of it.  I love that I don’t take that kind of stuff so seriously anymore!

Friends who call with good news!!!  Love it.

Listening when someone just needs to talk and afterward getting them to  laugh.  Lifting others’ burdens  :)

My daughter’s smile.
