All posts by Ian

Random thanks

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Life is not the same when you stop giving gratitude! Trying to make it a regular part of my life again.

I’m really grateful for family. While they drive me crazy sometimes they are the people that matter the most to me. Thank you God for my wife and two amazing kids. My Mom, Dad, brother and sister. My mother and father in-law. In addition thanks for my aunts, uncles and cousins.

I’m grateful for the wonderful friends I have in my life. So many long lasting relationships.  Happy that we’re all celebrating together tonight.

I’m grateful for having my job and how wonderful my colleagues are. We’ve all gone through a tough time lately, I’m grateful for how good we have it in general though. I’m also really grateful for the new opportunities in front of me!

I’m grateful that my office will be  closing for a week during the xmas break. This means I don’t have to use too much vacation to take time off with the kids.

I’m grateful for good health! I went to the clinic on Tuesday thinking something was wrong. Turns out everything is fine!


So much going on!

This evening I learned that my dad has cancer. We don’t yet know if it’s advanced or not. I truly believe that today’s setback is actually a blessing in disguise for my dad, myself and our family to live a healthier lifestyle. Just like my mom’s cousin who also had prostate cancer, I’m expecting an incredible miracle where the cancer is under control after 7 weeks of radiation therapy. I’m grateful for the upcoming good news! Life is special. I refuse to let the news I received today get in the way. Indeed I’m scared but I am grateful that I found gratitude and this site to help me get through these times.

I’m also grateful for another amazing weekend away that my family and I had with our friends. It was really nice to spend time with some of the best people I know and I love watching our kids play together. This yearly tradition continues to get better each time we go. It also helped me take my mind off of my dad’s doctor’s appointment which I knew was scheduled for today.


Best weekend ever!

I am so grateful for this past weekend.

Here’s how awesome it was:

On Friday night I had my 25th high school reunion. It was simply wonderful seeing so many old friends. O truly felt grateful for having gone to such an amazing school filled with so many great people!

On Saturday I celebrated my birthday. I got to spend the day with my wife and kids. We then went out for dinner and celebrated. When we got home, I watched my favourite football team winning a very exciting game!

We spent Sunday celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving with the whole family. It is alway great seeing everyone including my siblings, parents, aunt, uncles and cousins.

I spent today relaxing, doing some work outsideand also got to spend time with my daughter! It was great!

I’m already looking forward to spending next weekend with friends and family again.

I’m also looking forward to another fruitful week at work.

I’m truly blessed!

Greatful for helpful colleague

I started a new project at work. I’ve been given a new really cool team and one colleague in particular who I must collaborate with very closely.

Working with him has been a real pleasure! He is fast and insanely smart to say the least. He’s also very proactive. I really like working with him for all of these reasons and because he cares a lot about work and the project! Together, along with the rest of our team, I think we’re going to make the new project a massive success!

I’m so grateful to have the chance to work with these awesome people!

Thank you!


Grateful for awesome manager

I’m so grateful that my new boss has changed how he works and deals with people. The stress in his life turned him into a scary person that I hated dealing with and it caused many resignations at work.

Some of that stress is gone and he’s really changed his ways. I am so happy about this change because:

– He is more approachable

– He is showing his human side

– He is slowly starting to trust me

– He is showing that he cares for us

– I’m being included in decisions. This make me feel valued. It motivates me a lot!

– I’ve been given an absolutely amazing project. He’s working closely with myself and a colleague to perfect it. I’m learning a lot from this successful and smart person. It love it!

– Work is becoming more challenging and rewarding at the same time. I’m excited to go in to work and make a difference for my colleague’s and our customer’s lives

I’m so grateful for this wonderful change! Loving my work means a lot to me. Tomorrow is Monday and I’ve decided to go in and give it my best!

Simply grateful…


Happy to be back

I’ve only posted a couple of times in the last few weeks and honestly during these weeks I noticed something was missing. For this reason, I’m even more grateful for gratitude sessions and this website!

I enjoyed catching up with Mary’s posts. They are really nice.

I’m sincerely thankful for JP’s comment at work yesterday. It’s a wake up call to channel my energy towards positive things. I’m also extremely grateful for the fact that I’m starting to love my work! Just two months ago I was praying for a chance to change jobs. Now, I’m excited to go in everyday and I’m loving the challenge. I also see my CEO really trying hard to be a nicer person and include myself and my colleagues more. This means so much to me and all of my colleagues. I’ll write a post just about this tomorrow. I’m also very happy to hear about my friends’ well-deserved promotion!

I’m thankful that my dad’s biopsy was done yesterday and I’m so grateful for the good news that we’ll get on Oct 23rd. It’s not cancer.

I’m grateful it’s the weekend!! It will give me a chance to catch up on some work, some relaxing reading, watch football and more importantly hang out with my family!



Simply grateful

Got to spend the day with my daughter visiting potential high schools. Some many decisions to make but I’m grateful for the opportunity to raise this wonderful girl!

Got to have dinner with the family today. It’s always fun taking them out. It’s getting easier and easier to eat out with the kids.

Just finished watching my favourite football team lose a heartbreaking loss. Yet, I’m grateful that the game was at least close and not a blowout. It was entertaining to watch.

I had to unexpectedly give a small presentation at work yesterday. Thankfully it went really well. My confidence continues to grow!

There was a job I was hoping to get a chance to interview for. Turns out the hiring was put on hold. I was really disappointed for a short while. I’m grateful that I’ve grown enough to not dwell on it too long. I actually know that it will come to me in the near future. In the meantime, I’m starting to really enjoy my current job! Things have gotten so much better lately and they continue to improve! This makes me so happy!

Got to have dinner with some old friends yesterday. It’s always fun seeing them! Looking forward to our next get together already. I was really happy to hear that Joe is very close to landing a very lucrative venture capital deal that can make him very rich! He’s a smart and hardworking guy who deserves it!

Thank you.



Grateful for fall tradition

Every fall my friends and I head up north with our wives and children. I’m so thankful for this wonderful tradition that has lasted for roughly 12-13 years.

It’s a chance for some really good friends who don’t see each other often to get together. It’s a chance for our kids to play together. I love the fact that they get along so well!

It’s a chance to relax, enjoy the fall colours up here in Canada. Most importantly it’s a chance for us to bond around a campfire and a few meals.

It will also be a chance to see Anna after her operation. Thank God the doctors said it went very well. I know the cancer is gone forever! We’ll be there to take her mind off the situation and hopefully cheer her up.

It will be a chance for my family to hop in the car and spend 2 hours in the car together excited about the trip. I love the fact that my daughters can’t get enough of this tradition. It’s something we have in common.

Thank you for making this trip so much fun year after year and that everyone enjoys it. I’m also really happy that Jeff and Julie will be able to make it this year! So cool.

Thanks to my friends who put in the work to organize this trip. It takes foresight, planning and effort. It’s much appreciated.

Thanks for the good times we’ve had over the years and the good times we’ll be having next month when we head there.



Random Gratitude List

I’m happy to hear Jean’s heart is healthy again! You must feel like a million bucks!

I’m thankful that things are going so much better at work now. It got a little rocky in June/July but the outlook is now bright. True, it’s Sunday night as I write this and tomorrow begins a new workweek. However, I’m grateful for having a job that pays me a salary and challenges me a lot. The salary helps us keep a roof over our heads and allows us to buy food and enjoy ourselves.

I had a chance to see some ex-colleagues and friends on Friday evening. It was truly awesome to see how we’re all doing well now. I’m grateful for still being in touch with these guys. They are good people.

Looking forward to a great week!


Great speech!

I gave a speech at my Toastmasters club 2 nights ago. I was originally worried that it wouldn’t go too well. However, I’m so grateful that it was a huge successl!! The number of compliments I received after the speech was incredible! In addition, I had them laughing non-stop. This is such a good feeling and has really boosted my confidence! I can’t wait to give my next one in 2 weeks! Thank you!

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I’m so grateful for the Toastmasters organization and my club in particular. The people are all so supportive and kind. They really help me grow! I love it so much and feel so good after each meeting. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to help other people improve and watch them start out as shy, only to find their voices and really shine in a matter of months.

Thank you Toastmasters!