All posts by jenipherLyn

the day i felt happy [and productive] :)

today was a really productive day!

i actually slept till 9:30!

shot two videos of vintage cars for my dad’s business.

worked for him for about 5 hours.

drew new doodle headers for my blog.

i blogged. [about bikes!]

uploaded a new print to @etsy!

took a lovely nap in the sunshine.

i WON a necklace from one of my FAVORITE artists!

had a GRAND fancy dinner with my family.

walked over 4 miles.

made plans for my trip to NY!!

talked to Camilo, GA, and Margaret.

and most importantly, i felt happy today.


Creative, Successful day!

* Had an amazing massage.

* I was finally not as stressed as usu, THUS i enjoyed it.

* Met with my wonderful printer today. He’s great.

* Ordered my prints for my SOLO show!!!

* It’s on May 7th, in orlando.

* SPLURGED on two large canvas’ of my work.

* My watercolor class was great.

* My professor said my doodles will look good in watercolor.


* Shop’s called “Dear Prudence” in Orlando.

* i COOKED dinner tonight!!!

* “What about Brian” on hulu while making jewelry.

* Hillsong.

* GREAT day! Thank GOD! :D

Magical Creative Adventures.

* Midnight painting adventure tonight.

* Decent work day.

* AM guitar playing/song writing.

* “To be Fat Like Me” – on Hulu. Good movie!!

* Smiles.

* Planning my trip to NY.

* ohh…so many doodles!

* Encouragement.

* i LOVE these paintings!!!!!!!

* Apples and Greek Hummus.

* bananas. always.

* Yoga was SO good tonight!

* My instructor, said i did a GREAT “pigeon” :]