All posts by juliaFehrenbacher


So grateful for…

The light coming through the window.

Chirping birds.

My sweet, old, sleeping dog.

Tiny buds.

The knowing that I always have a choice.

The support of my brace, love-filled women friends.

Coffee in my favorite mug with just the right amount of cream in sugar.

Women who keep moving through the fear.

Quiet walks by myself.




Green smoothies.



1) the howl of the wind and rain right now…makes me so grateful to be tucked into the warmth of my home
2) the creative process..such new & magical places it can take me if I open & allow
3) the sound of the train in the distance…makes me want to hop on one & see where it takes me
4) my little girls
5) deep breaths
6) ease and comfort and cozy pjs
7) hot tea by hot fires
8) fun game time with my family this evening
9) wisdom like this
10) big green salads with feta cheese
11) connections that get to the heart of things

Summertime Yumminess

1) strawberry picking time with my girls this afternoon…this has become a summertime tradition for us & I absolutely love it! We picked 20lbs, just the three of us! And they’re oh so yummy

2) big smooches on little girl cheeks. Scrumptious.

3) the sound of rain

4) clam steamers cooked in garlic/white wine yumminess

5) an amazing new recipe I tried this evening…so so good–risotto with asparagus, snow peas, squash, Parmesan, shallots, white wine, lemon–so delicious

6) a brand new book that I can’t wait to read

7) good friends

8) how sweetly my girls played together this evening…I so appreciate it when they enjoy each other (something I definitely don’t take for granted)

9) a little time to have a conversation with my husband without 2 dozen interruptions

10) Kleenex…I swear I’ve used two hundred today (serious allergies)

11) sleeping, cozy cat at my feet. I adore her

Saying YES

1)  the mommy & tiny baby deer my daughters & I saw today…turned my heart all to mush.  So darn sweet

2)  the strong, lovely breeze that is blowing so freely today

3)  amazing, inspired, exciting, aligned ideas and happenings!  Oh my!  I can hardly wait to share

4)  beautiful women saying YES

5) me saying yes to my heart’s desires, again and again and again

6)  feeling the fear & doing it anyway!

7)  sweet, adorable, precious little girls that I can hug and smooch and love everyday

8)  surprise emails with amazing news

9)  the way words seem to be flowing so naturally lately–such a blessing

10) feeling like I am absolutely free to be me, knowing that I am

11) encouragement from good friends


Healing Words

1)  a whole new, beautiful month

2)  the light outside right now, a little bit of light mixed with dark clouds–it’s gorgeous

3)  chirping, happy birds

4)  beautiful new connections with fellow blogger friends

5)  feeling held

6)  this deep undercurrent of faith that I feel

7)  allowing myself to simply be me

8)  a really good pasta dinner this evening.  Mmmm, garlic.

9)  gorgeous blooming flowers all over the place; irises, rhododendrons, azaleas

10) deep breaths and quiet moments that reconnect me to spirit

11)  my cat–she’s seriously way too cute.  I never thought I could love a cat so much

12) the healing power of words

13)  this space.  Thank you, Belle, for the beauty of you

Ordinary Beauty

1)  strong, rich coffee with cream and sugar
2)  the perfect mug
3)  a really beautiful walk all by myself this morning
4)  cuddled up reading time with my little Lily this afternoon
5)  warmth
6)  healthy, beautiful children
7)  the smell of jasmine…brings all kinds of memories to mind
8)  painting…it bubbles my joy right to the surface
9)  splashes of paint on my hands and arms
10) fresh green salads from local farms
11) cool weather (even though it’s May), I’m really quite enjoying being bundled up right now


1)  sushi rolls that roll just right
2)  the adorable little tea party that my girls orchestrated for me under the big oak tree.  Such sweetness
3)  hormones running amok today–knowing not to take anything too seriously and to be super gentle with myself
4)  a lovely walk with my old doggie
5)  intense laughter at my girls attempting to sing a song in French–pretty hilarious
6)  having the ability to be the observer of my wild emotions today without getting too entirely attached
7)  being able to find the humor even when I feel like kicking something (or someone)
8)  eating the sushi rolls that rolled just right
9)  the smell of freshly cut grass
10) blooming rhododendrons
11) this space.  I love coming here knowing all of you beauties are on the receiving end

Angels & Beauty

1)  deep, cleansing breaths that just send calm to all my body parts

2)  reading in the sunshine, by the river and the trees, with my sweet Lily today

3)  lollipops & lemonade with Lily

4)  birds–how much beauty they add to the world with their presence and their sweet bird sounds

5)  hot tea with honey, right now

6)  this moment with my warm blanket and sweet thoughts of all the goodness & beauty that surrounds

7)  good, green salads with cheese

8)  this beautiful post lovely Lori wrote today.  I am so deeply honored to call her friend

9)  bumping into a friend downtown this afternoon and having a beautiful, spontaneous conversation.  I love connections

10) the run I took this morning, felt so good to just get out there again

11) my new running shoes!  The man at the shoe store was an angel, I think…even though I had worn the shoes that I recently bought (a lot) he still let me exchange them for a brand new pair (because they hurt my feet)…I still can’t believe it.  Who takes back worn shoes?  I’m amazed and totally grateful.  Can’t wait to try the new ones out!


Just Right

1)  today…at one point in the day, I felt like I needed to be pinched–it was such a gorgeous, flowing-kind-of-a-day

2)  the morning with the girls flowed beautifully (not necessarily a typical thing)

3)  the shining sun

4)  absolutely perfect temperature

5)  the just right amount of coolness and breeziness in the air

6)  time to paint!  It was blissful getting my fingers and hands all in the paint, brushing and dabbing.  I took all of my stuff outside on our back deck and painted in the fresh air and sunshine–it was so so perfect

7)  the hummingbird that came to visit me while I was painting–I felt like he breezed by just to say hello to me

8)  a finished painting that I adore

9)  beautiful emails from lovely people

10) feeling appreciated

11) appreciating it all so much


Breathing Time

1)  this little coffee shop
2)  time all to myself this evening
3)  the really yummy, creamy, delicious bowl of chicken and dumpling soup I just had.  So perfectly hit the spot
4)  books that speak to me
5)  dark clouds, cold air—makes me feel that much cozier and warm inside
6)  reading time with my sweet Lily this afternoon
7)  food in the house
8)  the joy Marielle had today in running 3 miles!  It was so beautiful to see her smiling so big and so proud of her sweet self
9)  comfortable clothing
10) clean laundry
11) the gentleness I feel for myself these days