All posts by Karen Teig

About Karen Teig

I am a 58 year old Native Minnesotan. I work as a Storekeeper at a local hospital here in town. I have been sober since April 18, 1982 and have not smoked since September 8, 2005. I am a Born Again Christian who loves Jesus and am grateful for each day I wake up. Life is really what I make of it, with few exceptions. God always has a plan.


Grateful for peace when I let myself have it.


My dog, Jax, trying to hid his food from Skeeter.  They are both adorable.

Cloudy but somewhat humid day.  I think it is going to rain.

Church in a little while.  I love it!

Being able to walk to church.

My son, Justin, cleaning our refrigerator.  Long over due and now we have my side of the fridge and his side because I ate the last of his honey ham LOL.  It is all good.

A good cup of coffee.  Need to get more at the store but this will do for now.

Beautiful green grass.

I get tomorrow off too.  Had a long work week recently and a couple shorter ones.

Prayer and Meditation.  Essential in my life.  I don’t do it as much as I should but more than I used to. ;)

Finding a book for daily meditation I forgot I had as it fell of my head board and hit me in the head.

A new month.  Excited for what it will bring.

Sober and smoke free another day.



Grateful for family that helps me through.

First week of September is bitter sweet.  Memories of  September 2014.   9/3 Put our dog, Jake to sleep, 9/4 I turned 49, 9/5 so so day, 9/6 my husband committed suicide, 9/7 our dog Jax turned 10, 9/8 I celebrated 9 years without a cigarette.  The rest of the month was hard for sure but I am grateful today for the wonderful support of family, friends, coworkers and anyone who was there for me during that time, especially my son.  We definitely leaned on each other during that time.  God is still good and he wakes me up everyday to a new day of possibilities.

A beautiful day on the lake shore.  It is supposed to warm up but I will take the gentle breeze right now.


Sobriety.  Without it, I might not be here.

Not smoking another day.

Good coffee.

My son getting up early and feeding the pets.

I have 3 days off starting today and I am going to enjoy it.

A good job.

Health Insurance.

Good friends at church.  I love my church family.

A roof over my head.

The rain last night.  We needed it and it was nice to not worry about the roof.

Good workers who pitch in.  We are a team.

A good Manager and friend.

This site, for its user friendly platform to post my gratitude and the wonderful people who contribute their gratitude and support mine.

August 29, 2018

Good conversations with coworkers and help.  Teamwork in our department is great.

Cooler temperatures.  Yes!

Coming home to my son playing his games on the Xbox One.

Coming home to Jax’s Iam’s Dog Food from  I picked up cat food but was hoping I could make it one more day with the dog food.  Surprised but overjoyed to see it sitting on my kitchen floor when I got home.  Both the boys are good for food for awhile. :)

Tasty cup cake a coworker shared at lunch time.

I am employed.  In this day and age, it is not something to be taken for granted.

I don’t have near the money in my savings as last year but I have a little to fall back on.  Grateful for that.

The nice wind as I came home from the bus stop today.  Sunny but cooler.

God showing me his many blessings.

That I know everyone is a child of God and should be treated that way, even when a former coworker gets on my nerves.  Why do I let this happen?  Praying for her tonight.

Signed up for Plenty of Fish.  Grateful for the interest but also grateful that I do not need a man to survive. LOL.  Not sure if I will stay on site.


August 28, 2018

A day off, which included good food, a massage and some quality Karen time.

My son being home earlier than I thought.

A good cooling rain.

Possibility of only having the fan in the bedroom on low tonight?

Looking forward to a good day at work tomorrow.

Good music while I soaked in the tub.

Drinking 8 glasses of water today.  I should drink that everyday and more but today I did as my massage therapist always reminds me to drink lots of water after my massage.

My son brought me home Subway.  Yummy!

Nice people at the neighborhood restaurant.

Bumping into an A.A. buddy at the restaurant.

Peace, when I let myself have it.

God.  Thanks again for letting me wake up.

My pets.  I truly love them.

Sober another day and continuing to not smoke.

Nice little uplifting quotes I find on Facebook.

Word games to keep my brain engaged.

Life.  It is as good as I make it most of the time.

August 20 to 27, 2018

A long and productive work week.

A chance to help a coworker as she could not work her weekend.

I get today and tomorrow off because I worked her weekend.  Grateful for a Monday and Tuesday off for a change.

Grateful for patient creditors.

Grateful I get to get a massage tomorrow.  It is not a necessity but my muscles are really sore and I need some head to toe work.

My son back to his college courses.  So proud of him.

That I can read a memory in Facebook from when my husband was alive and it does not hit me in the gut….at least not today.

Grateful for good coworkers.  We make a good team.

Grateful that in 12 days I will have not smoked a cigarette in 13 years.  Best decision I have made in a long time.

Grateful for peace.

Love, in its many forms.

I love old shows, “Leave It To Beaver” being one of them.

A nice fan over my head.

Good cab drivers.

My pets.

Cooler weather.

The ability to quiet my mind when I start projecting or looking back.

August 19, 2018

Cooler morning but will warm up.  I will take the coolness when I can get it.

Going to church this a.m. and looking forward to it.

A friend picking me up so I won’t be walking to church.

Getting back into taking my vitamins.  Been off them for too long.

The want to start taking care of myself again consistently and not the hit and miss I have been doing.

Wanting to live a good life.  I am sober and nicotine free but there is always work to be done.  I am a work in progress.

Eighteen days from now will be the 4th anniversary of my husband’s suicide.  Trying not to let that date get to me.  It used to be that every 6th of each month for at least the first year I would wake up and and it would hit me.  Now, I forget a lot of the time on the 6th but the actual date is still with me.  Grateful for good support in my life through all of this.

I have a roof over my head.  It may not be the fanciest but I am grateful to have a home to each day and a warm bed to sleep in.  Some are not so lucky.

Good coffee….yeah I had to throw that one in.  ;)

The fresh air outside as I took my dog out this morning.

My son.  He has grown into such a responsible young man.

My family and friends.  We can be as independent as we like but we still need our loved ones


August 7 through 18th

Hard to believe how fast the time has gone.  I did not realize it had been so long since I posted.  Grateful for this site to come back to and catch up on everyone’s posts.  Good stuff!

God’s many blessings in my life, even when I do not see them clearly right away.

Being able to get back to church and my Bible study as my cold finally started to break and be gone.

Grateful for good coworkers.

Grateful for my son.  He is living his life but still is here at home.  Someday he will be gone and I will feel the loss.  As long as he is happy and health when he goes out into the world, it will be worth it.

Cooler temps.

Sleeping better.  Some nights I have left Jax downstairs where it is cooler but I have had the bed to myself and slept better.

Modern technology.  My sister-in-law’s mom fell in the store a couple days ago and she is having surgery on her shoulder.  I am sad that she has to go through this as she was due for a redo on her hip surgery next week.  Glad there are good doctors/surgeons to take care of her though.

My pets. They can drive me crazy when they get into things but I love them dearly and cannot imagine live without them.  It is sad they do not live as long as us humans.

Peaceful morning.

My surgical knee has been acting up.  I think it is arthritis but is sure slowed me down yesterday, even walking through a grocery parking lot.  At least I can feel it.  Grateful to be able to walk.  I bumped into a girl the other day at work in the cafeteria.  She lost her leg and damaged her arm in a car accident years ago and still gets around in a wheel chair. She can stand with a walker when needed. They were not sure she was going to live but she did and look how far she has come.  She is a true inspiration.   I have nothing to complain about.

Grateful to be able to attend a friend’s birthday party last Saturday.  What good friendships I am making.  Love it.

God’s word in the Bible.  Although I don’t read it like I should lately, it is something that I love when I do.

LIfe.  Grateful for God for it every day

August 3 through 6, 2018

A wonderful weekend down at the Bayfront with great Christian music at the City On The Hill Music Festival.

One day of work and then three days off again starting today.

The wonderful spirit at these Festivals.  Grateful they have been happening the past four years, three of which I have attended.

I got to sleep in today.  Good thing to mend my body after two full days this weekend being outside and then going home and having to be back to work 7 hours later.


A.A. and my wonderful church, Anchor Point.

My son.  Hard to believe he is 23 now.  Just seems like yesterday we were school shopping for him.

It used to be, especially the first year or more that the 6th every month was painful for me.  It has gotten better.  September 6 will be four years since my husband committed suicide.  Grateful for healing and some peace.

That even though I went overboard eating this weekend at the festival, I can start over and eat healthier.


August 1 and 2, 2018

Still have cold but it is slowly getting better.  Looking forward to concert this weekend.

My dog, Jax, tries so hard to make it outside.  He makes it more often than not, even at almost 14.

A new vacuum cleaner.  Things like that never used to excite me.  Now they do!

Having favorite programs on Netflix to watch while I relax and take care of myself.

Good people in my life.

Lake Superior……need I say more?

Cooler temps.  No need for air conditioner to be on……at least for now.

Feeling like this cold made me be lazy this vacation, but I am not going to get myself down about it.   Grateful for the time to mend.

Being able to watch a video of a church buddy this morning.  Gave me hope.

Grateful for life as a school mate passed away a couple days ago.  Too young.

Good, flavored cold water.  Refreshing.

Talking with my brother the other night and planning for the future.

That I can be grateful every day for the big and small, even when the sadness of a school mate passing comes up.  RIP Jim.
