So grateful today for my church family.
1. They help me and support me.
2. They have helped me see my life in a different way and have a relationship with Jesus.
3. They walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
So grateful today for my church family.
1. They help me and support me.
2. They have helped me see my life in a different way and have a relationship with Jesus.
3. They walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
So much thanks for God being in my life and….
It can be so easy to take things for granted. I try really hard to be grateful for so many things.
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets
New friendships
God always with me
Trying new things
Love in its many forms
Sobriety and not smoking
Learning to love myself just a little more and accept that some people may not like that
Being my own person
1. A roof over my head.
2. Food in my Refrigerator.
3. A job to go to each day.
4. My family, pets, friends.
5. My health.
6. My sobriety and God.
Getting healthy again after pneumonia.
My relationship with my family.
My sobriety.
My new job.
My pets.
The snow on the ground.
Peace when I let myself have it.
Grateful for a day off of work after working 7 straight in a row.
My son and pets.
A nice day outside in Minnesota.
Being sober and not smoking anymore.
Good music.
Today I am grateful for the beautiful morning even if it is cooler out.
My son.
My pets.
My job.
A day off from work.
That I am upright, breathing, walking and talking.
My church.