All posts by keishuaA.

Intimacy With Life

-rethinking my goals

-incubating a creative dream


-good tea


-my cousin’s doing better. she almost drowned the other day.

-eating kale.

-feeling a little more confident about the future

-“you work all things to my good” a line from a song that has been playing in my head.

-impromptu dinner plans with my friend j.


-the sun is peeking out a little

-garlic flavored creamer(by accident)

-listening to Donna Delory on the commute to work

-interviews with potential employers

-amazing and supportive friends

-good berries

-going to bed early, again. Yea

-having a morning routine again that isn’t so rushed


-birds singing me awake this morning

-hopefully finishing up some projects that I have been working on a while



-camping with friends

-walking around with P. for 3 hours

-making lentil soup

-N’s upcoming visit

-two upcoming interviews

-peanut butter

– catching up on most of my phone calls and emails



-taking pictures

-knitting up a storm

-phone conversations with people I love


-the breeze that was around yesterday.

-all the women who have mothered me to this moment


-possibilities unfolding

-this moment