All posts by Lucy Anne

Heart returning, feet returning

1. Liberation from technology

2. Exploring new ways to experience and express gratitude

3. Heart returning, feet returning… there.. here.. home.

4. Reading a week’s worth of lovely goodlists

5. Gracious hosts

6. Arriving safely

7. One-on-one conversations with special friends and with loved ones

8. Treating yourself well

9. Creating memories to sustain gratitude lists for weeks to come

10. Having a warm bed to sleep in

So Rich

1. Remembering good times with friends

2. Reinventing your own idea of who you are and how you move through the world

3. Learning how to wield power

4. Believing in your own capabilities

5. Working as a team

6. Boar bristle hair brushes

7. Ave Maria

8. Truly savoring well-made chocolate with all your senses (one of my favorite mindfulness practices!)

9. Hot baths

10. The luxury of being alive with a healthy body

It’s okay

1. Being okay with the truth

2. Not taking it personally

3. All the wellness tools I’ve learned over the past several years

4. Family

5. When god sends you an unmistakable message that makes you feel better

6. Helping someone as therapy

7. Trusting

8. “Siempre puedes confianza en dios”

9. Breath

10. Smiling for your life

Surrounded with nice

1. Fresh raspberries with homemade yogurt

2. Makin’ whoopee

3. Aloe vera’s ability to survive me as its owner (amazing!)

4. Exercise

5. Chai candles

6. My great-gram’s Sunbeam stand mixer still goin’ strong

7. Window hanging crystals that spray glowing rainbows on your life

8. Smiles

9. Sweetest little gifts slipped inside your stocking

10. My man


Soul Pause

1. Prayer

2. Stopping out of respect

3. Anyone who helps

4. Those on the front lines picking up pieces

5. Surge of outreach

6. My safe experience of childhood

7. Doing what you can to contribute

8. People who add momentum to recovery

9. Everyone who helped me through my teenage years

10. Prayer