All posts by Lucy Anne

Rah-Rah Girl!

1. People who make you feel so energized, valuable, and loved that you literally run to your computer to write about gratitude!

2. Surprise phone calls from friends who “get” you

3. Finding your dimples

4. Remembering who you really are

5. Being “An Explorer”

6. The way thoughtful compliments can change your entire experience

7. Libraries!

8. Wearing purple

9. Cat naps in the sun

10. Wide-open road ahead

The construct of Joy

1. Accountability

2. Finding a system that works for you- and using it!

3. Revisions

4. Straw flowers

5. The way making/using lists makes everything feel “do-able”

6. Sunshine- on my shoulders and everywhere else

7. Free writing- whoa.

8. Winning prizes

9. Full movement, dexterity, and control of my hands and fingers

10. Personal champions

Doing What You Can

1. Not waiting until you can do something “bigger” or “better”

2. Support.  In all its forms, with all its faces, from all those different directions.

3. Thousands of little bird-wing leaves, excited by the breeze, alive like a beehive

4. Reclaiming “lost” minutes and putting them to work maximizing the good

5. Azure requests that glow and flicker simultaneously with hope and promise, and whisper, “Trust me.”

6. Reaching out- the worst that can happen is you get a good stretch

7. Being okay with the struggle. (“Hello Mr. Resistance.  What brings you this afternoon?”)

8. Reassurance

9. Our ability to remember

10. Doing what’s in front of you

What! You Got a Problem With This?

1. Paying bills, baby!  It means you got the dough to do it!

2. Garfield

3. Breakfast dates

4. As grammatically incorrect as I wanna be

5. How am I just discovering Best of Craigslist now? LOL

6. Cheeser faces

7. Each having what the other wants

8. Rounding up your tools, admiring your arsenal

9. No apologies power

10. Everyone with the courage to be quirky

A Whim

1.The way time moves on without fanfare

2.The way the sun and moon feel reliable

3.Doing it my way and not fussing about what people think

4.The art of not taking it personally

5.Being surprised by a feeling

6.Tiny noticings

7.Aging like wine

8.Silly notions

9.When who you are makes someone else smile

10.Remembering that you forgot to brush your teeth -lol

Thank you

1.The magic of Skype

2.When things click into place after lots of grinding

3.Remembering really fun times with friends

4.My health

5.New avenues

6.When old limitations dissolve

7.Creme Brûlée Stuffed Figs

8.The way saying it out loud to someone can make you feel so much better




1.Dinner parties- not the stuffy, awkward ones, but the kind with flowing good food and conversation and laughter

2.Excellent recommendations

3.Gigantic Halibut

4.Taking your time

5.Preventing a problem

6.Hermie the GPS

7.Car windshield thingies that block the beating sun when you’re parked

8.Contact lenses


10.Other people’s pets