All posts by Lucy Anne


1.cultivating such a habit of gratitude that my body actually wouldn’t let me sleep without doing my list (or was it that large ice-cream I ate earlier? -lol)
2.beating violent storms and tornadoes by a day
3.staying in touch with dear family and friends- even brief messages mean so much and sustain our souls- thank you!
4.fresh baked croissants
5.smiles flora and fauna of Benny
8.Hermie the GPS
9.making good time
10.having a good time


1.The Lincoln Presidential Museum
2.A partner who is flexible with plans
3.Making it through a storm
4.Cities that just feel good
5.Coupons that save you bucks
6.Holding hands as you walk down the street
7.Barry White
8.Realizing something just in the nik of time
9.Just goin’ with it
10.My freedom


1.Staying centered anyway
2.Starting out with sunshine
4.Surprise visits
5.Ear buds
6.Benny loved my hat
7.Finding a hotel before dark
8.Watching scenery in the rearview
9.When automatic flush toilets wait until you actually get up
10.King beds when you can’t go on


1.The sound of the padlocks clicking shut for the last time in this state!!

2.Leaving plenty of time for playing

3.The umbrella was in the car

4.One last visit to Hudson library

5.My time here in NE Ohio

6.My friends here in NE Ohio

7.Working together- I can never be thankful enough



10.People who care about me- thank you.


1. Someone to peck out your list for you when you just can’t handle the machine
2. C’s guns
3. Help
4. Working together
5. Seeing the end in sight
6. This day is over
7. Two-hour dinner with friends
8. Having enough space
9. When people are really patient with you
10. Thoughtful surprise gifts that come wrapped in love and glitter



2.Getting a jump on it

3.Kissing it goodbye

4.Eggs from chickens that you know

5.Throwing it away instead of packing it

6.Giving yourself rewards

7.Hilarious alternative lyrics

8.Freedom from stuff!

9.Sweet pet names (not telling)



1.Celebration meals

2.Cooling off before you respond

3.Tying up loose ends

4.New outfits that make you feel pretty

5.The way working out together makes you strong as a body and strong as a couple

6.Having a plan without letting it rule you

7.Getting creative to make it work

8.Taking a break when you need one

9.When the end is in sight

10.Dangling on the precipice of change- bring it!


1.Being honest about what you want

2.Being honest about what you’re good at

3.Being honest about what you’re willing to do

4.Being honest about your thoughts

5.Being honest out loud

6.Being honest in a respectful and considerate way

7.Being honest when it’s difficult

8.Being honest when you know it won’t go over well

9.Being honest about what you need

10.Understanding the we each have our own concept of the truth- that means we each have our own unique way of being honest…  Cool. :)


1.My friend Andrea

2.A perfect day that I didn’t want to ever end

3.Girl time complete with shopping, eating, giggling, gossip, and more giggling

4.Gabriel Brothers- when I die, I want to go there -lol

5.Finding a sweet little lunch spot

6.Noticing fun photo opps

7.Bright orange birds in our path (orioles?)

8.Janet Rhodes Fair Trade in Hudson, OH

9.That priceless brand of support that only another woman can offer you

10.Saying “See you soon” instead of “goodbye”