All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Baby It’s Cold Outside!

Chilly inside but frigid outside. Grateful for sweatshirt,socks,blankets and furnace.

Power on though wind blows. Thank you!

Good timing as I have a cold. Grateful for Kleenex!

Grateful for  those who check in on us.

Plan to make soup. I love soup.

Plans this afternoon so grateful in advance for friends, laughter and diversion.

Remembering it is a cold snap! It will be over soon.


Merry Merry

Bouncing from thing to thing today. Merrily I go along.

Admiring my shelf of Christmas plaques. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. May Your Day Be Merry and Bright. Be Merry.

Wishing Merry Christmas to people.

Merry Music!

Feeling Merry!

Grateful to my keep it simple plan. Can’t be Merry and frantic.

I’m making a call a off I go! Making someone merry.

Merry Christmas! Be Merry! Be Grateful!

Blue Christmas

The rendition of Blue Christmas by Porky Pig makes me laugh and laughter is essential to these last days before Christmas.

My Stable Story featured song Blue Skies.

So many things I love that are blue. Skies, oceans, birds and eyes!

Being sensitive to those who have struggles this Christmas. I am blessed!

Asked to do something I don’t want to and realizing I am best person for it.

Watch for blue today it will keep the blues away!


Snow is beautiful looking out but glad to have changed my plans to stay in where its warm.

Walks will need shoveled but we’ll whittle away at it. Foot by foot. One foot in front of the other.

Need to go out later to give Christmas away to many families. Christmas you give is more important than anything you get!

Having so much fun with Stable Stories. I’m posting them on Wandering Wisemen. The likes and shares make me happy!

No Christmas tree but decorations in every room. I see exhausted people and I’m grateful for my simple soul.

Cleaning up today. Declaring war on crumbs and clutter I will be content when it’s under control.

People ask if I’m ready for Christmas? No but I will be ready by Christmas (Eve) to stop and just absorb the joy!

Grateful Checklist

Christmas is right around the corner. But loving the milder day today.

Grateful for Christmas music.Very peaceful to listen to.

Easy Christmas cookies. Dough made. Making them into cookies.

Many people bringing cookies to make multitude of plates. We are a powerful force for good.

Zelle. Sending money easily, quickly and safely.

Friends at Church. Texting and email. Reassuring someone. I would hope they’d do the same for me.

Is a nap on the list? I hope so!


Grateful To Have Overslept

My wise body that knows I need sleep more than exercise.

Grateful for sleep. Gratefully looking to more rest later.

A friend who reminds you to rest and drink. (And eat soup and I love soup)

Breakfast and a cup of joe!

Knowing I’m organized enough to take some time off.

Accepting what is and being content.Priorities. Flexibility.

Utter bliss of laying in bed with snoring Hubby and two visiting cats. Precious!

Holey Moley Holiday Gratefuls

Have been grateful just BUSY! Grateful for energy! Grateful for naps!

Grateful Hubby is well after being sick. Grateful for antibiotics. Grateful he is helping me do things.

Grateful for my friends. They lift me up and cheer me up. Happy Birthday Katherine!

Cutting back on decorations and realizing you don’t have to decorate spaces if your heart is full.

Started my Stable stories. I have fun telling the Nativity story day by day!

Kids from Church are bought for and wrapped. Thanks for the help!

Meal give away this weekend. We couldn’t do it alone!

Polar Express at EJ this weekend. 1800 tickets sold! Panda-monium but I’m dressing as a polar bear!

Happy and Grateful Holidays!


Pondering everything and being filled with wonder. Ponderful and wonderful.

My car running and reliable. I take her for granted! Even begrudge spending money when things need fixed. Grateful!

Shopping for those less fortunate. I love how the universe leads me to what I need. Budget always stretches to help provide.

Starting my amaryllis plants early this year. In the dark and drear of Winter they will bloom and remind me of Spring.

Grateful for my simple life and thankful to those who accompany me.

Happy Thanksgiving. Reflect today and enumerate tomorrow.


Rainy Day

Would love to stay in and observe the rain but we have errands. Grateful in advance for when they are done.

So lucky to have many grocery stores near by but I’m not hopping from store to store to save a few bucks.

Many thanks to Mike of Mike’s Place for donating some food for the dinner on Sunday.

Don’t mind picking it up though always say a prayer for safe travels.

Savoring the grateful holiday before jumping into Christmas.

Dinner on Thanksgiving with Hubby. Dessert with some of the offspring.

Perfect day to be reading. Finished book for Zoom book club Monday night. Will reread for detail.

The Earth needed the rain and I will not begrudge it some!

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving! The grateful holiday. We pause to reflect on blessings then chow down!

Thanksgiving! Picturing the feast and traditional foods  makes me drool like Pavlov’s dogs.

Even more exciting it just might be that my youngest and their wife will be part of Thanksgiving plans.

Meal giveaway weekend. Providing a Thanksgiving meal to anyone who drives up. Grateful to people from Church who are roasting 14 turkeys. Grateful for kitchen helpers and runners.

Grateful to Ann who thinks cranberries are important enough to make a trip out to have them for meal.

Thank you Mike for your expertise to figure out how many potato buds you need to feed 150. (And donating them)

Today I’m eating out both breakfast and lunch. Blessed not to have to choose!
