All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Getting Started (Again)

The last week I’ve been making poor food choices. I have been busy but not productive.Glad for second chances.

I soothe with food and laziness. Not smart but not deadly as long as I stop.

I gained a few pounds but the warmer weather will let me get out and move.

Glad I can move literally and figuratively. Grateful for freedom and choices.

So many temptations but self forgiveness. Girl Scout cookies and a free pie for PI Day! Moderation.

My bruised feelings will heal like the bruise on my toe and my heart. Heal body and soul.

Sunshine. Illumination. Reflection. Do Over!

Make A Wish

Sunshine today but snow predicted tomorrow. Can I make a wish that it holds off till nightfall ?

One more day that I may be seated on a jury. Making a wish that I don’t have to go in as there is a funeral luncheon at Church tomorrow.

Daughter can’t seem to shake her cough. I’m wishing the vaporizer will break the congestion.Trusting that she will know when its time to get antibiotics.

Much to do today. Give me the energy to do it all. Wishful thinking!

Prayers that peace may prevail.


Its a nuisance to have jury duty. It disrupts my schedule. 8:00 a.m in downtown Akron sounds dreadful.

But I will do my best and hope if I ever need justice someone is willing to take the time to serve. Someone is counting on me!

People are telling me how they got out of it but someone has to do it. Its not a game when important things are on the line.

Silent thanks I have no need. Major thanks that we live in a country that has due process.

I’m cherishing my time today as I look at my responsibility tomorrow.

The structure of the week makes me get organized. Its been a while since I was making Friday plans on Tuesday.

March moves forward. There are green shoots in the garden. Its unfortunate its still so cold. But true Spring will replace false Spring.


Today I Am Grateful For

The variety of weather late Winter gives. 70’s then 30’s. Warm breezes  to possible snow flurries . Whackadoodle!

Reading glasses and slippers. Pajamas and sweaters. Outfitting a cold quiet day.

Activity for community time. Nap for alone time. Books to read. I have all I need!

Thank yous from those you are grateful to. A gratitude circle!

A successful bake sale.  Bakers,partakers and donators. Give till it helps!

Crazy times that settle into a time of feeling accomplished. I can rest!

Counting My Blessings

Meg is sick but negative COVID test. Amazing that tests were given out at libraries (and through the mail) Answers in minutes.

The amazing amount of over the counter relief you can buy for cold symptoms. Name a symptom there’s a medicine for it. Relief.

Wearing a sweater from Fall with sunflowers. Amazing support for Ukraine everywhere.

Dave hit from behind. His car is damaged but he is unhurt. Driver had insurance. Cars can be fixed.

Time to sing in person at Church again. Choir practice with a purpose.

Morning sickness for my grand daughter reminds her that something is happening. She should feel better in a few weeks.

Time heals and soothes. A tincture of time is good for almost everything.


Surprise!Snow on the ground.

Fools Spring.The moderate temperature yesterday.

Hides the mud. Good excuse to stay in.

Ice on the car makes me grateful for my walk yesterday.

Always grateful when streets are clear.

Water exercise because sharing with a caring friend is therapeutic.

Sympathy cards on the loss of the dog. Fireplace holds some mementos from him.

I heard birds chirping. I’ll bet they wonder where the worms went.

Soon it will be warm again. A tug of war between Winter and Spring.


Wednesday Whatevers

Grateful for the sunshine but wish it was warm enough to walk outside.

Substituting an inside walk. Grateful for gyms and walking partners. Friends that listen.

I long for Spring. Warm breezes. Green growing.Birdsong. New life.

Wash Wednesday for Hubby .Doesn’t rhyme with Ash Wednesday but it should.

Washing machines and dryers. Grateful for all appliances. Clean clothes!

Cash Wednesday. Thankful for the ease of money transfer that I hardly ever have to write a check or go to a bank.

Grieving the dog is a measure of our love for him. Next to the box with his ashes is a lovely picture thanks to Tara and Dennis.

Time moving on. I must too.Step by step starting with a walk.



Just Because

I love turning the page to March. It may snow but we are closer to Spring.

National Pig Day. Hogs and Kisses to you all.

Wearing leggings with flying pigs and planning something fun to eat.

Sunday was Polar Bear Day. We had Klondike bars. (There’s a polar bear on the wrapper)

Out to eat last night. Just because!Time together just because. Early bedtime-just because!

Fat Tuesday! Have something decadent just because!

Its going to 50 so I’m taking a walk just because it’s March!


Puppy Love

We said goodbye to our dog Gogo (Van Gogh) Friday and Saturday. Yes there were tears but laughter too.

He taught me a lot about living and dying. He showed me living is more important than dying.

The past three weeks have been about fulfilling his bucket list with treats,hugs and time in the sun. All his family pitched in to make him comfortable. Canine hospice.

Friday night we all shared a Texas Roadhouse steak dinner. Raised a toast in his honor. He loved his party! He loved being with his people!

Saturday the vet released him from his broken body. No more pain. A good death with his girls that he loved nearby.

We have been surrounded by love. So many condolences.

Sunday his cremains came home. Well done good and faithful servant!

Love is love. Feeling love as we go into March!

Icy Make It Nicey

Car covered in ice but I didn’t fall getting to it. Ice scarper is essential.

The trees have icicles on every branch. So pretty from in here.

I made it to Water Exercise. Good for diversion and exertion.

Swimming friends. Good listeners. Fellowship.

Friend who always makes me laugh. She is wise and warm.We have been through so much.

Meg is picking up the cost of Texas Roadhouse tonight. We are  picking up the food.

Family togetherness. We are there for each other. We are in this together.