All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Happiness Is Homemade

May our home be filled with love and laughter. Love doubles our joy and divides our grief.

Hubby made bacon. Hits the spot.

Comfort food. Soothes the soul. Chicken pot pie and buckeye pie. Giant Eagle comes through.

Homemade soup shared with many.When someone asks for the recipe it is a sincere compliment.

My new polar bear is named Carol  which means song of happiness. Given  to me by Carol who is happiness.

Weather may get cold and snowy but inside it is warm.Bless our happy home!

I can face anything because I have love!



The excitement yesterday of having it be 2-22-22. We should greet everyday with the same reverence and enthusiasm.

Fulfilling the dog’s bucket list. Today I.m taking him a doggie ice cream treat.

Monday he sat in the sun outside. He got to bark at dogs passing by. We took a short walk.

He whimpered as he watched a puppy roll in the snow. Personification canine style made me think he was remembering when he could do that.

Thinking about my bucket list. Knowing Spring is coming soon I have some places I want to go. Don’t put things off.

Homemade soup. If you make it as a gift, you get to keep some. Twice blessed.

Planning an event for Friday night and Winter plans an event for Thursday. NO SNOW!

Sometimes it is appropriate to feel discouraged. But the hard times show support in unexpected places.


Keep On Singing

Encouragement on Facebook says as you go up the hill you can sing or complain. Advice is to sing.

Explaining it to friends in the locker room.”Keep On Swimming “Little Nemo “Keep On Singing” M.E.

I will sing to the old dog as we sit in the sun. He is used to me singing.

Singing along to the radio in  the car. Playlists on Alexa.

Tribute bands tomorrow at EJ is Roy Orbinson and Chubby Checker. I hope the audience sings.

I have some tough hills to climb coming up but I will keep on singing.

Snowy Morning Joy

More snow. It falls in curtains. I am glad I’m inside.

Pictures of those I love. Auld lang syne.

Warm snuggles and soft blankets. Slippers and long sleeves.

Just the right song and the technology to listen to it by a request.

WORDLE Such joy when I solve it. Words With Friends. 50 games going. I don’t always win but I like playing well.

The snow is hypnotic today. I am warm. I should go out but don’t have to.

It can’t snow forever! What a joyful thought!



Snow Dance

The snowflakes are coming down dancing like the leaves did in November but the dance floor is slippery with ice.

Time will win the slippery battle today so we wait to run our errands.No hurry. Slow down!

Some schools called off. Some businesses closed. I chose to stay put!

Skipped choir last night because freezing  rain started and I turned back. I never ignore the little voice that whispers Winter warnings.

The snow covered up the mud and yuck. It is painted white again waiting for footsteps.

Spring is a month off but we take a step forward and a step back. I guess we are dancing.

Watch your step. Dance!




Rainy Day Relax

After a month of back to back challenges it is bliss to just watch the rain.

Many nights of fitful sleep but slept deeply and dreamlessly last night.

Many of my worries haven’t changed but I’m releasing my grip on them The unclenching feels wonderful.

Snow has melted so quickly revealing green grass. Somewhere a deer is happy for that.

Clearing the morning to do nothing. Everything can wait.

My mind reminds there will be flooding ,mud and weather change but I won’t listen. This is my morning to relax-gratefully!


New Life

Friends surgery went well. In past years a heart attack was a game changer. Now new life possible.

A mandala with a heart in the center symbol of love and healing.

Seeing an ultrasound of new life. She calls it the parasite. Wait- that heart is new life.

Spring flowers in the store remind us that soon new life will appear outside.

Dog doesn’t know he is sick and today because it is 50 we are enjoying some time outside .

Second chances and fresh starts. New life!

Valentine’s 2022

A meeting at Church. Being brave and speaking up though it was hard. The power of listening and compassion. The healing of an explanation and an apology.

Following up with self examination. and journaling. I am a complex person.My feelings are valid.

Friends. They are there for you. We support each other.I get by with a little help from my friends. Reaching out and response.

Amazing emoticons that can express sentences in a symbol.

The amazing medical advances and what they can do.

A baby in the Fall I’ll be a  great grand parent. Sharing their joy!

Simplicity. Give me the simple life and a decorated chocolate chip cookie XOXO but mostly X! Amen!



Love Love Love

Love of friends and family. We surround a wounded member with love.

A friend from long ago brings smiles as I remember with her. We are still friends.

Love of a dog. He loves unconditionally and unqualified. He reminds us to do the same.

An unexpected gift from an exceptional friend. A book is a gift of love!

The amazing technology that lets me text,send pictures and express love instantly.

Hubby who has breakfast ready when I get home. He never says it. Read between the lines.

Look for love. It’s everywhere!


Snowy Sunday

Peaceful snowflakes wander to the ground. I read if you curse the snow there will be just as much snow so I will enjoy it.

Many storms since January have dumped 34 inches on Northeast Ohio. Impressive!

The piles of plowed snow stand high like icebergs. I saw a contest to guess how long till one melts.May?

The street crews have kept up. Grateful for their long shifts.

New boots that I have worn everyday. Socks everyday.

Snow shovels.Sidewalk salt. Snow brushes. Fluid in windshield wiper squirter.

Driveway has had to be dug out twice. First crew started and cleared our car too.

Time to bundle up for a snowy adventure!