All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!


Grateful for Hubby. Grateful for 47 years. For better for worse, for richer or poorer ,in sickness and in health.

We started just us and family. That family has passed on or relocated.

We created a family. Four born. Two assimilated. Grandson. Grand daughters.Fur pets.

One set of friends stood up with us and are still in our lives. Dinner with them next week.

Facebook greetings show how we have accumulated friends through the years.

Dinner out and cake at home. It was just us 47 years ago so am not sad its just us for this.

And for all of it I am truly grateful!


Goodbye July! The days are scorching hot but nights are cooler.My body feels the change,

Goodbye flowers you fulfilled your destiny.They wilt and wither despite extra water. I commiserate, Their beauty brought me joy.

Goodbye neighbor/sister/friend. I can’t imagine when you aren’t living there anymore. Our friendship is more than skin deep . Soul sisters!

Goodbye Bill!!Grateful to have had you as a friend . I can truly say I never heard a harsh word from him . You left a gap that is gaping.

Goodbye .A challenging Summer that has opened my eyes and made me grateful, Open yours.

The Storm

A storm clears the air and reduces the mugginess.Clears the air.

Cool rain to quench and repair. Lightening and thunder.

A disagreement clears out our frustrations with everything. It reduces the smugginess that had been building. Clears the air.

A well placed word followed by raised voices and a tear.

Conversation flows so that we can see the others point of view. Clear the air.

More storms predicted for tonight . We will watch them together repaired.

Happy Days

The gift of summer days post-COVID. These are uncomplicated days. Unstructured. Like a staycation. Easy routines.

We watch the rain and talk about everything and nothing. The dog loves the porch.

The flowers are blooming with abandon. So much rain we haven’t had to water.

Just posted Sunday’s drive thru meal. I have challenged the group with a big meal. Subs, coleslaw,corn and cookie. I have faith it will get done.

I read a book of fiction yesterday set in COVID times. We are living in unusual times. It takes the perspective of observing it as fiction to grasp the reality. It makes you grateful to be emerging.

Daughter and Gson are at Disney. See them shine.Carol at the beach. She is having so much fun.

I appreciate my simple happy days and know that I have many happy days ahead.

Wednesday Winners

Grateful for ease of appointment at hospital today. Home by 10!Free parking too!

A chance of showers! The flowers are thirsty. I long for a storm.

Cranky cats and lethargic dog. They appreciate the A/C

Friend in Tampa area did not lose power with Elsa . I had never thought of losing A/C in a hurricane.

The most beautiful shade of clematis at friends house dubbed Cape Crow.

106 at 7 at my daughter’s in Vegas. Glad they left the ballgame. Makes me grateful for 85.

A Bacon,Lettuce and Tomato sandwich. Good anytime.

Prayers and petitions. Stay safe everyone. Now go drink a glass of water.

My Joys

Cool weather before hot! Bliss!

Morning glory plants at Graf Growers. Heavenly!

My hanging baskets. The purple gets a gallon a day. I wish you could see it. Three feet wide!

Watching a James Taylor concert on the laptop. July 31st in person. Sweet!

Going for a haircut. Should be able to go right in , Progress!

A picnic for the 4th. A celebration of historical and personal Independence.

What to wear? Grateful to have so many clothes but wishful they fit better.

Transforming wishes into joy!

A new to me desk. Perhaps it will inspire me. If not it makes me happy!

Wishing all of you July Joy!

Monday Musings

Starting the day with music and prayer.He who sings prays twice.

Grateful for the sunshine to illuminate things . Grateful to be able to see colors.

Looking forward to quenching rain. Don’t for get to hydrate

The Baptisms and First Communions yesterday were poignant and touching. Church family.

Many prayers for many people especially Bill.

Three weeks ago Velma was safe in her Mom’s womb. Now she is in our hearts.

Off to work I go. Grateful for their AC and tolerance to my speed.

Stay safe my friends!



It is seldom that I see a word I don’t know. This one was on a gratitude site referring to daylilies, Since I am curious and I love flowers my interest was piqued.

Ephemeral is beauty that is astounding but short lived. Love this word! Let me be grateful for things that qualify.

I commented that I liked the word and she wrote and said she couldn’t believe she  was in her 40’s before she hear the word. I am in my 60’s. I felt a kinship!

Summer flowers. The daylilies are amazing and our blue hydrangea is going to bloom.

I have planters with a variety of blooms and hanging baskets overflowing with petunias..

Flowers are marked down . Adopt a few today.

The sunsets have been phenomenal. The strawberry moon lit up the sky.Thunderstorm the other day.

Fresh lemonade. It quenches and satisfies. Ice cold water. We are blessed to have it so available.

Oh how I missed smiles when we were masked. Nice to hug again.

Posting pictures from memories. My Gdaughter was so small.

Ice cream from the Stow cone tastes better than my freezer. Eat it fast before it melts.

Hearing a song that brings back tender memories. I try to listen to music everyday.

Summer. Embrace it. It will be gone before you know it!

Day of Days

My Gdaughter’s birthday. 25 not 24 as I wrote on her card. I’m glad I can laugh at myself.

I love so many things about her. Grateful to have shared the past. Grateful for her in the present. Looking to the future.

I will not see her but we will talk. Is it an excuse for cake?

Looking at pictures of people I love on Facebook. Grateful for the web that interconnects us.

Jamie and Becca ‘s 9th Anniversary. Now they have a baby to cuddle. Infinite joy!

Get well Bill. Peace Barb. Grateful for these dedicated,loving people.

Seeing Jacob’s cast makes me sad. Grateful though that he will heal.

Eating out together yesterday. Love the sense of adventure and the feeling of connection.

Flowers for the garden. Such a gift. They only last a season but bring me joy and peace.

The hydrangeas are blooming. Unexpected delight. Daylilies are exploding in ephemeral delight.

Playing Words With Friends and feeling exuberant when I make a good play, I play about 50 people. I enjoy chatting with them.

Happy Day!



Fathers Day Weekend

Sitting on the porch chatting about fathers and parenting. This and that. Him and them.Me and you. Grateful for the love all around.

New father. He is doing extraordinary. Sweet baby. How do you like the world so far?

Conversation turns to vacations. Time spent together. Times before we were we.

An actual birthday party yesterday. Edith and I have shared a lot of miles. Last year was hard for her. May this year be amazing!

Meal for drive thru today. Grateful for ladies who helped me prep yesterday. Grateful for those who will help today.

Concert is set to listen to this evening. Hubby wants milk. I want lemonade. A reward for a day of service.

Happy Fathers Day Hubby!