All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

By The Way

Did you ever have such a day that you didn’t have time to say by the way I’m grateful.

In these cocooned months nestled in safe and warm it should have been obvious that it couldn’t/wouldn’t last but as things change I want say I have been grateful.

This weekend is insane with obligations pulling me one way and responsibilities pulling me the other.By the way I will do the best I can then hand it over gratefully..

Hubby is sick in bed. I am functioning but not at 100%.Family first and Hubby above all. We are not we without he by the way.

Thank you for this event that reminds me what is essential by the way!


Super Powers

Facing my fear head on but learning from it. The power of the plan.

Laughter shared and realizing the ridiculous.  The power of lightheartedness.

I visit in my mind all the places in my life where I have played many roles. Love has always been there. Self love is a confidence that enables me.

I am a wordsmith. My amazing mind requires input to create paths of paragraphs and avenues of advice.

Introspection reminds me that I am stronger than my silly inner critic and brave enough to defend my work. Write on!

The tranquil mind leads to tranquil output but the questioning mind comes up with answers.

I Am Needed

Deep thinking delving into the meaning of the mundane.

Insignificant/significant. Meaningless/meaningful. Nothing outstanding but something worthy.

My daughter’s Mother’s Day card tells me I’m needed. Where is my  voice, my smile, my reason?

Crisp life now faded into shadows. We lost our voice,our smile and our reasons. Behind the mask I’m still here!

A voice to comfort,a smile in tone and a list of new reasons to handle new situations. I am needed!



I Hope

I helped mow the lawn and I agree with Hubby that it is a tedious chore.  Grateful it is cut and hopefully will last a week.

Fingers crossed that my friends son still wants to mow this Summer.

I just posted my announcements of the free meal this Sunday I hope we can give away all the food.I hope there is enough help.

New friend from water exercise wants to help. I hope she’s serious.

I want to go for a walk I hope it is warmer.

Wishes doesn’t wash the dishes and wanting is can or cannot. Action not reaction.

Grateful for things I’ve done and hoping for the energy to do what I plan.



Adventures In Motherhood

Grateful that I was mothered with love. A fabulous Mom and Aunts who guided me to adulthood.

The opportunity to be a mother. I am humbled what I learned as I taught. Who nurtured who?

Grateful for the kids. They were so different and who could have imagined that we’d pick up some extras all along the way. Now they are grown and I smile.

My sympathy with the old lady who lived in a shoe.I didn’t often do it right but I did the best I could. Grateful for do overs and fresh starts.

Mother’s Day is a cruel long day. Happy mothers are as abundant as pollen but many smile hides a tear. But in the hidden tears are memories of hugs and love.

I chose motherhood I would choose it again. It’s messy and meandering but what a journey!


Colors of Spring


Grateful for the pastels of Spring Actually every shade is there.

Grateful for the technology that lets me see things far away. The sky and sea from a friends trip show so many shades of blue.

Grateful for old friends and new friends. Silver and gold.

Grateful for diversity and differences. Color me kind.

Grateful for the bulbs that come up year after year and the ones I planted last Fall. Flowers of pink,blue and yellow.

Hubby is not grateful for the growing grass because he has to mow but I love the green sea with whitecaps of dandelion fluffs.

Grateful for color. Now keep my eyes open.

One Foot In Front Of the Other

I feel like I make no progress  not even baby steps. Only I can change that.

Grateful that I am awake and committed this morning to going to water class. Get out. Get busy.

Beginning a mental journey. One step. One choice. Ponder and pursue.

Today I will do better than yesterday. Sloths are cute but I don’t want to be one.

Grateful to be a sounding board. Grateful to have someone listen to me.

Spring walks are full of beauty. Today I will go on one even if it rains.

It is amazing what I can do. So I do. One foot in front of the other earning my rest. Savoring the possibilties.

Yes You May

I played a children’s game where you would ask Mother May I? and the one in charge would say yes or no. As I begin May I feel like I’m starting again and being told yes you may.

Possibilities and opportunities all in the beautiful month of May.

Grateful for the beauty of Spring.

Nice get together with family. in a restaraunt. Face to face.

New love they don’t know the answers but are ready to find out. Their love makes me smile.

Old love comfortable and predictable. Our love make them laugh.

Grateful that every day you can start over.  Grateful some days are just mellow.

Mother may I? Yes you May.

Hello May

April was brilliant. The colors so different from Fall. Spring paints in pastels with bold backdrop of green grass and blue sky.

I feel the anticipation of a new month. May brings much to look forward to.

The book support group has me seeing new life in an old project. If one person enjoys it ,it has purpose . (And I enjoyed rereading it)

Now I will tweak and form it and see where it leads me.

Cleaning up and clearing out. Sweep away the cobwebs of April.

Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday. GRATEFUL for her.

Goodbye April. I will embrace you upon parting.


Zooming Along

Almost time for a Zoom session. Not my favorite way to communicate but I’m getting better. I know enough to change my shirt and mute it when I need to.

I wonder if ZOOM stands for something. I love my curiosity.

Downloaded Words With Friends2 on my phone. I missed chatting with the players and winning games too.

A rainy day. Nice for a nap. Hubby is stretched out. The cats are wondering why he is on their bed.

I had nothing new to present at Zoom but Crystal’s advice was to revisit an old project I found an old one. It still makes me chuckle. Perhaps there is life in the twig.

Zoom on!