All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

No Excuses

I can walk alone I don’t need a partner. Even a walk around the garden reveals new growth and exceptional beauty.

I can make good choices and manage my time well. I have wasted my life an hour at a time. New chance today.

Make today different. Make a plan. Make a list. Make a memory. Give yourself permission to be spontaneous.

Working on deadline I begin to prod myself into action.  Should it stay or should it go?

Writing notes to myself. Notes  of encouragement. Notes of love. There.there,there and I love you madly.

Enjoy your April day. Make it count. No excuses.


An acronym to keep me on track. Resolutions and new beginnings.

G is for Gratitude. The beginning and the end and all the in between.

O Organization I long for order I can make it happen.

A Art.I need to express myself. A resolution to create everyday.

L Love Think about it. Search for it. Accept it.

S Wherever I can,I’m choosing the simple. My life is tied in knots but I can untangle them.

Eyes on the prize. I am the prize. My GOALS.

Sunday Sweet

The dog plods down the steps. “Hi Puppy. Do you need to go out?’

I love that sweet man as much as I hate him. What am I do to do I can’t live with him and I can’t live without him.

I have been resenting my life. Today I see a laugh track.I would rather star in a comedy.

A good cup of coffee and some homemade granola bar.

A tiny tulip tree needs a name and Miracle Grow. When she is big I will be very old.

Apparently naming a plant is a stress reliever. Well I did something right in the last year

A wedding! How sweet! I’m happy for them.


Saturday Again

I used to look forward to the emptiness of Saturday but most days have no structure so it is not as special.But I will frame today with some things to do.

Structure gives something to build on. Something to lean on. Something to believe in

Want to go pick up a tree seedling . I’m excited by those they are giving away.

I’m hoping for a redbud or a tulip.Those who plant a tree plant it for the future. But I will do my part.

Freedom to be out and about. I can go anywhere. Oh the possibilities!

The dream of just driving away but the security of knowing I can return home.




Grateful for love. In its many forms it pulls us along.

Grateful for forgiveness. I am not worthy!

The deep well  of depression is escapable because of the kindness of others.

Figuring out whats bugging me and not letting it weight me down. Letting go of the sorrow.Embracing my blessings.

Good news! Better news! Best news!

God’s subtle humor. Feeling humble.

Love one another and never stop believing in the power of love!

Day By Day

Beautiful places and the amazing things I have seen and experienced. Earth Day is significant to me.

The choices that have that put me right here. One different and I would not be M.E and He at 1661.(Not to mention our sprouts) Let me count the days!

We met on Earth Day in 1972 a new celebration. Skipped my friend’s birthday to go to a party and a timeline unfolded. Companionship,passion, vows,fledgings, Day by day.Night by night.

Saying hello,saying goodbye, Day by day Changes and consistency.Day in day out.

This anniversary is more important to me than anyone else. It was a decision that would affect the rest of my days.

So play the music and raise a toast. 49 years Day by day!


Convenient Snow

How nice of the snow not to fall on the streets.

How kind that it didn’t interrupt Spring.

Better look quickly or you will miss the most spectacular moments.

It’s as breathtaking as a wedding cake. The frosting accentuates the branches like spires.

The wind inspires a snowball fight. Duck.

The Spring flowers peek through the frosting like an Easter egg hunt.

No power at the Nat so snow day. 

Homemade soup simmering on the stove. Shall I make coffeecake?

This snowstorm is just playing peek a boo. It is not a bullying blizzard but a teasing torrent.

Can’t catch me. Now you see me. Now you don’t.

Spring Outing

We were two seniors at the park. One sits the other explores. Each enjoying the day from their own perspective.

My assignment was a Rainbow walk. Taking pictures of the array of colors in bloom. Violets in patches. The complexity of a dandelion.Trees in bloom in every hue imaginable under the blue sky.

The scarlet cardinal was watching me as I was watching him.

The treetop hawk being edged on by small birds had a phenomenal wingspan.

Hubby’s mission was to absorb and admire any activity at the pond.

A ride through the CVNP. Quiet talk and Spring observations. Companionship.

Looking at the snow later this week we will remember the warmth of the sun and the beauty of this day.

New Week

Ohio provides variety. 66 today and 2 inches of snow predicted Wednesday. Spring calm and then a tantrum.

Making health decisions such as more water and less food. More activity less sloth. More creativity less mind numbing activity.

Making lists and checking things off.

A pat on the back and a push to exercise.

Today while it is pleasant I’m going to document Spring on my phone. A Spring rainbow walk. I spy something -orange!

The dogwood trees are particularity vibrant. Blessed to be able to see color.

Welcome! I will not waste today!

Assignment Gusto

Today I need to gather my thoughts to thank my friend for her commitment to our Church.

Kathy Gustafson has been secretary for almost twenty five years but my friend for forty something. We called her Gusto for her energy.

My mind travels to times we have shared and problems overcome.Her road has not been easy but she followed the route faithfully. With a smile on her face she murmured Thy Will Be Done then paid it forward.

Where do I begin? I am glad she has this time to zero in on her family unit instead of worrying about us all. I will miss her calm and her skills.

Quiet Gusto instead of wind she is roots and integrity. The fabric of strength to hold things together. The knowledge to fix anything. The art of juggling.

You will never retire you just change assignments. Enjoy the next challenge. Do it with gusto.