All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Today’s Gift (They call it the present)

I am upright and upright. Welcome to the day!

Grateful for what I do have and willing to release my feelings about my frustrations.

Have tos become opportunities for adventure. Explore with child like wonder.

Rest and recharge. Read and reach out.

Thinking about something and each thought leads to another till you have a tree of blossoms. Gather them and an idea forms. The ideas becomes a opinion and the opinion becomes a expression. Creative flow!

Observing the beauty of Spring. Awareness and taking note. Be in awe!

We may never pass this way again. Be grateful!

Ducks In A row

Grateful for the energy to tackle the task of finding order before I create. Ducks in a row? Where are the ducks? All I see are dust bunnies!

I could be just procrastinating but I feel I cannot do anything meaningful among the chaos.My mind is as cluttered as this room. No formation . No information. No imagination.

Even a vaccuum would be preferable to this dysorganization. (misspelling intended). And a vacuum would definitely help.

The debris in here mocks me.The cobwebs remind me that it has been too long since I demanded my soul to express itself. I need to coax my opinions out.

A ritual to organization. Reduce, recycle, relinquish,remove. Repeat!

Creative minds are seldom tidy but creative minds require room to grow. Creative sanctuary.

Like ducks on the water my thoughts will land awkwardly and noisily then line up in formation and organization.


List of Gratitude

Easter marks the beginning of hope. Spring has arrived. Its paintbrush paints the world.

Writing notes to myself to keep me on track.Making changes.

Grateful for enough that some would see as abundance.

Grateful for the people in my life.Now.Here. Today!

Eyes to see the sunrise. Ears to hear the birds gossiping.

I taste the sweet chocolate and savor its explosion into joy in my brain. Vowing to find joy in other ways.

Simple meals. Refreshing after the large meal on Sunday. Simple snacks.

A new day. Things are improving.I am changing. I am grateful.

Wholly Saturday

A Saturday Holy because tomorrow is Easter.

Prayer vigil gives me time to wholly contemplate.

Listening to service from Good Frday. The familiar words soothe.

The bliss of chocolate melting on my tongue is a religious experience.

A feeling of wholeheartedness because the restrictions of last year have been lifted.

But I ordered new masks because they aren’t wholly gone. (Much easier to get now!)

Planning a whole meal with second choices. Homemade buffet!

I didn’t put up decorations or buy a new frock but it is wholly,holy Saturday.

Happy Easter to all !

Palm Sunday

Church in person today we celebrate triumph. We have triumphed too as the pandemic and our response to it changes.

No high fives or slapping palms but we can greet each other behind decorated masks.

Looking forward to seeing my friends in video Palm processional. Hosanna! (I sent in nine pictures)

The songs of this season. The traditions of Easter. The rite of Spring.

My blue hydrangea. Spring beauty. Hope and joy.

Shopping for necessity and serendipity. Planning and procuring. Put money on my palm!

I buy for others and me. Joy in giving. Satisfaction in choosing.

Sending out Easter cards from the Church. Blessings!

Someday we will be together again.



The Moods of the Wind

I hear the wind murmuring and then it rushes up to shake the house, rattle the panes and proclaim its presence. But I am safe inside.

I love the wind of Spring when you shed your jacket and feel it tousle your hair. But in the dark now it is a wild dragon and I wonder what I will see by the sunrise.

Across the area children awaken and are soothed. Sleepless souls reach out for comfort. Confused cats watch the bending branches thru the window and then bored with the show wander off to sleep.

The limbs of the trees dance to the beat. The power lines sway. Listen to the melody. It is a concerto.

The sleepy wind tires of its tantrum and resumes breathing. All is well. Safely rest. God is nigh!


About A Bonfire

Follow the thread on Facebook and a bonfire is coming tonight. Impromptu people who are ready to come with a moments notice.

The pile is ready for a spark. Add four people in four chairs and it is perfect.

Follow the sound of laughter as we reacquaint. Pictures on the phone. Stories amusing and adventuresome.

Conversation never lags but sometimes get more serious but then like the crackle of the fire laughter breaks through.

This therapeutic event must become a habit as we are forged in flame and purged by fire.

The bonfire becomes a refuge and a resort for a few hours.

Reluctantly the bonfire babes return to reality. Sigh ,we will gather again soon!



I am taking a writing class with Crystal. I am looking forward to the journey. I have been in workshops she guided before and found corners to explore that left me breathless and took my breath away.

I bought a new notebook and new pens for this. It’s a first day of school feeling. Anticipation. Need to add some bling to it!

I see a friend is joining the class. Hello Dottie!

The reassurance that I am a writer leads me to the confidence I have something meaning ful to say.

I signed up for a water color class online. i have never painted but this is a time of exploration and new opportunities.

We are doing a picture parade video for Palm Sunday. I am having fun snapping pictures of people with their palm fronds. The tech team will combine it into a screen parade.

Giving up our landline today. My friend called us brave and modern! I must remember to keep my phone handy (and charged). I will miss the answering machine but voice mail you can read is so much more efficient.

A new day . A new way. New opportunities.


Finding garden decorations at Marc’s. I love the ceramic turtle. New wind chimes whisper that coming attractions will  be red.

Water exercise that gives me a good workout and laughter too.

The celebration of Spring with Carol with a  walk on the towpath. I wanted to see turtles and did. Dancing in the sun to welcome Spring!

Miracles! Sometimes we don’t recognize them!

Livestream Church. I love the ability to comment. Good job on the horn Scott.

The opportunity to cook and serve a meal at Church still drive thru still humbling sill fulfilling. Couldn’t do it without the many helping hands.

Snapping pictures for next Sunday’s Palm parade. Say Hosanna!

The bliss of a reclining with a glass of root beer. Nice weekend!