All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!


Grateful to be though I don’t feel well today. Tense tummy. Know I will feel better.

Grateful for the choices in my life. Grateful for change.

Grateful for Hubby, When I announce I’m not making supper he fends for himself.

Grateful for doctors who act on messages and pharmacies who work with you. (Just changing prescriptions!)

Grateful for hard working son who turns 40 today. Happy Birthday Ben!

Grateful that my kids are grown and past the rebellious teenage years.

Glad none of them ever ran away, Praying for resolution of tension between mother and daughter in situation I was in last night.

Praying for a peaceful transition  of power today.

But remembering transition in labor from 40 years ago. It is not peaceful but necessary to achieve new life.

I’m OK and You’re OK ! We’ll be OK

Ann Lamott talked of the gifts of COVID. New insights and more time. More intimacy with herself and others.

The new normal becomes the new OK.

“Grace is spiritual DW40. Laughter is carbonated holiness.”

Julia Cameron spoke of listening and its power. She marveled that her new book is so well timed to come at a time of isolation when we have time to listen.

I could relate to her statement that her eloquence is in words not speaking for I feel that way too.

I didn’t understand some of her steps but I’m grateful the book is coming. All will be revealed!

Remember “We are not all crazy the same day. A.L.” Be OK today!

Let It Go

I was deceived and must process it and let it go. So tempting to hold it tight but am going to fling it away so it will not fester. I have chosen the path of righteous indignation before and it is lonely and dangerous.

Friends hurt my feelings. Once again I unburden myself. I feel lighter. Count my blessings instead of burdens.

My comfort is my comfort food but I will not medicate. Expending some energy is a better choice.

Searching for beauty. My amaryllis is breathtaking. A gorgeous shade of coral.

The first amaryllis grew tall and was prolific. Five blooms almost toppled her.

I planted a red yesterday. Perhaps a Valentine!

I cannot control things that happen or are said but I can control what I allow to stick. I am letting it go!


Seeing sunshine stirs me. The Winter has been dreary and suddenly I am thinking of crocuses and things that grow.

My tall amaryllis who I named Maris put on quite a show over Christmas with five buds that burst into candy canes.

I took daily pictures and asked people to guess how prolific she would be.

My other amaryllis who was dubbed Phyllis is just opening her first bloom.

Today’s post is called shine because a friend posted about choosing a word of the year.

She had chosen shine based on a sermon about light that our pastor gave. I enjoyed rereading it. What a treasure to be able to read his words!

The quiz revealed my word as transform but I’m choosing believe. Need a little faith.Need strength.

I had decorated the window seat at Christmas with the theme of believe. Amazing things happened at Christmas.

A search for shirts came up with Big Foot, aliens and Christmas. Time to get down to the basics.

I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining. I believe in God even when He is silent.

So shine sunshine and give us hope. Shine on all!

January Gloomy

Working through the blues. I give thanks that I will be Ok. I know the way back to balance.

I have been hit with many problems. Not mortally wounded just mortally discouraged.

Not dwelling on the things that made me sad but searching for spots of joy in the gloom.

Realizing that I am tired and resting. Praying and being still.

But keeping my mind and body busy. Sounds like a paradox but it works.

I beckon to my inner child to come out and play. Art and music. Bill Nye the science guy!

Much can wait till tomorrow my gloom could turn to sorrow, I will decide!

I have all I need! Bet you do too!




Today I will undecorate the house. It always leaves me a little empty. I’ll leave a few things up. Grateful for the connections I had this holiday.

First the wise men come to worship. They come quietly and leave quickly. The last reminder of Christmas. Glory be!

It will take a few days to get things packed away. Trying to be organized but it doesn’t come easy. I will be grateful when it is done.

I was a little undone by a friend’s hurting my feelings. I’m working it through.

The universe balances and I got a note from a friend expressing that she loves me and is proud of me. Well timed!

Back to water exercise. Time to switch to new insurance. Solid steps to undo the weight gain of the holidays.

A haircut will be the ticket. It always makes me feel buoyant and beautiful.

Welcome 2021 come in sit down I’ll be with you in a few days!


New Chance,Choices and Changes!

2021 We made it! Nothing has changed but I can given the chance.If I make a choice.

I understand why people are taking their decorations down. They are ready for a new year.

But as I wish Happy Better Year to my friends and family I am grateful for the things I learned from 2020. I am  stronger than I think and I rather than dwelling in the past I’m looking to new chances and new choices.

I’m not going to let social media ensnare me. So much wasted time. I could have written a book. (Maybe I will!)

Using time wisely and creatively. I said when I retired I would structure my time.

An interesting book gives me new ideas.

I’m making changes in  my choices because I have the chance.

Today I start. Happy New Year!



As I look back I had wondered if we would be here on NYE. I am. You are.

The pandemic rages on and it has  mutated and mutilated but it is manageable.

So to life! I have noticed different shades and nuances from my chair that I casually walked by unaware.

Births,deaths,challenges and celebrations. Will we ever look at them through non-virus eyes? Even my dreams are six foot socially distant.

The first months of the year seem like a book I read but didn’t finish. I recall obligations and rituals that seem outdated.

An emotional year as the need to socialize was offset that you might contract or spread a virus.

I’m grateful for my masks. Some are whimsical. Some just functional.

I’m grateful that my family is abiding by the rules.

Hindsight is 2020. As hindsight becomes foresight God bless us everyone!

This I Have Learned

2020 the teachable  moment of years. What did we learn?

Never take one single breath for granted. I can’t breathe! (George Floyd. COVID-19. Masks)

Fear is a virus that leads to division. Love is the answer. Be resilient. Be creative.

Everything can be taken away and you will be left with the core essentials. There are some things they can’t cancel.

We are in this together six feet apart.

Its a beautiful world. Be not afraid!

Follow The Light

The fire of Christmas burned brightly. In reflections green and red I smiled contented with the glow.

Nice to see eyes twinkling and hear voices murmuring thanks and excitement. A crescendo of serenity fell like snow.

But three days past I am frustrated even disappointed that the warmth and illumination was just an illusion. Like a dream I wake to reality. Now I search for the gratitude in the remains.

For just a few hours we were family together but family we remain.

The back breaking season left me with a back overstretched and broken but I will heal (eventually).

The Christmas Blues are part of my pattern so today I will pull up the colors of Christmas memories to offset the dark.

As Christmas fades the Light remains. The light of peace,hope,joy and love. Within me  and without me. The light leads me to the future. Leave the darkness and follow the Light.