All posts by Richard

Gratitudes, June 18-24, 2017

  1. Sun June 18, early to meeting, conversations with friends, co-worker, and family, good meals, sunny day, progress at work, helpful info on internet.
  2. Mon Jun 19, early to work, health warning, good meals, cheerful help from co-workers, conversation, progress at work, bed early.
  3. Tue Jun 20, good walks to and from work, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, good meals, helpful info from internet, prayers answered.
  4. Wed Jun 21, good walk to work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work, ride home, bed early.
  5. Thu Jun 22, good walks to and from work, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, conversations, progress at work, good meals, pleasant moment in park, both air conditioners working well.
  6. Fri Jun 23, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, conversations, good meals.\
  7. Sat Jun 24, many productive errands and shopping accomplished, progress at work, good meals, help from dentist, good meals.

Gratitudes June 11-17, 2017

  1. Sun Jun 11, on time to meeting, conversations with friends, pleasant walk on cool day, progress at work, good meals, conversation with family, prepared dessert to bake on Monday.
  2. Mon Jun 12, good medical appt., early to work, progress at work, helpful chat with boss, conversations with co-workers, good meals, inspiring info on internet, good music on internet, brief walk in the park, bed early.
  3. Tue Jun 13, pleasant walks to and from work, stopping in park on way home, cheerful help from co-worker, good conversation with boss, progress at work, good meals.
  4. Wed Jun 14, early to work, helped clean out old shed, good meals, cheerful help from co-workers, pleasant walks on warm day, received text from friend.
  5. Thu Jun 15, early to work, pleasant conversation with friend,  help from co-workers, progress at work, pleasant moment in park on hot day, good meals.
  6. Fri Jun 16,  cheerful help from co-workers, pleasant walks on sunny day,relaxing moment in park, good meals, progress at work.
  7. Sat June 17, well rested, fun shopping at farmer’s market (my first experience), conversation and chat  with friends, progress at work, good meals, .

Gratitudes June 4-10, 2017

  1. Sun Jun 4, well rested, good meeting, productive house cleaning, conversations with family, good meals.
  2. Mon Jun 5, on time to work, good walks, cheerful help from co-workers and boss, progress at work, good meals, landlord fixed my light switch, looks like my cell phone battery is recharging and not dead.
  3. Tue June 6, well rested, progress at work, pleasant walks, good session with personal trainer, good meals. able to renew membership at gym.
  4. Wed June 7, well rested, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, good dr. appt., progress at work, opportunities to be of service to others.
  5. Thu June 8, well rested, early to work, cheerful help from co-worker, good meals, progress at work, friendly interaction with boss, opportunity to be of service to friend.
  6. Fri Jun 9, well rested, productive day at work, conversation with co-workers, good walks on cool day, good meals.
  7. Sat Jun 10, good walks, conversation with friend and retail workers, progress at work, helpful note from boss, productive shopping trip, good meals, life is good.

Gratitudes May 28-June 3 2017

  1. Sun May 28, good visit with friends, good meals, pleasant weather, good meeting, conversations with family.
  2. Mon May 29, well rested, good walks, progress at work, good meals,
  3. Tue May 30, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, conversations, progress at work, good meals, bed early.
  4. Wed May 31, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, cool day, exercise outside, conversations, patient help from retail worker, good meals, shower, moving book.
  5. Thu Jun 1, cheerful help from co-workers, pleasant day, insights into my self-talk and use of my time on internet, good meals, progress at work.
  6. Fri Jun 2, early to work, help from co-workers and boss, progress at work, good meals, pleasant walks to and from work.
  7. Sat Jun 3, well rested, progress at work, productive shopping trips, good meals, insights, help from retail workers, prayers for London victims of violence.

Gratitudes May 21-27, 2017

  1. Sun May 21, early to meeting, conversations, sunny day, good meals, phone calls with friends and family, productive errands, progress at work, good walks, bed early.
  2. Mon May 22, early to work, helpful meeting with boss, help from co-worker, progress at work, sunny day, good walks, good meals
  3. Tue May 23, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, good walk, progress at work, sunny day, good meals, tears over Manchester.
  4. Wed May 24,sunny day, good walks to and from work, helpful chat with boss, progress at work, good meals.
  5. Thu May 25, early to work, good meals, helpful talk with boss, cheerful help from co-workers, pleasant sunny day, progress at work.
  6. Fri May 26, early to work, good meeting, cheerful help from co-workers, exercise outside (weeding) on a sunny day, good meals, helpful conversations.
  7. Sat May 27, good meals, sunny day, visit with friend for a day.

Gratitudes Sun May 14-20, 2017

  1. Sun May 14, well rested, good meeting, sunny morning, good meals, home cooking projects, insights into my self help activities, productive shopping trip.
  2. Mon May 15, remembered an old song from a dream, well rested, good walks on beautiful sunny day, helpful chat with boss, good music from internet, progress at work, rediscovery of baked potatoes as an addition to my diet!
  3. Tue May 16, good walks, progress at work, conversations with co-workers, good meals.
  4. Wed May 17, well rested, good walks to and from walk, sunny day, progress at work, pleasant walk with friend in park after work, good meals.
  5. Thu May 18, early to work, sunny day, good walks, conversations with co-workers, helpful chat with boss, progress at work, good meals.
  6. Fri May 19, well rested, sunny day, good walks to and from work, progress at work, good meals.
  7. Sat May 20, well rested, sunny day, good walks, progress at work, good meals, helpful info from internet, saw a gecko lizard on the sidewalk, and a yellow finch (?) in a bush!  Beautiful warm spring day!

Gratitudes May 7-13, 2017

  1. Sun May 7, well rested, sunny day, good meeting, conversation with friends, progress at work, good meals, conversation with family, bed early.
  2. Mon May 8, warm day,  good walk, helpful conversation with boss, helpful errands, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals.
  3. Tue May 9, early to work, good walks, lunch outside, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, good meals, inspiring music from internet.
  4. Wed May 10, good seminar, good walks, good meals, progress at work.
  5. Thu May 11, early to work, helpful chat with boss, cheerful help from co-workers, good walk, good meals, progress at work.
  6. Fri May 12, early to class, helpful chat with boss, good walks on sunny day, good meals, progress at work.
  7. Sat May 13, sunny day, good walks, conversations, progress at work, inspiration from internet, productive shopping trip, good meals.  Saw a hummingbird alight on the rosebush and it sat there for 5 minutes while I observed.  Have never seen them perch before.  Fascinating little creatures!

Gratitudes Apr 30 – May 6, 2017

  1. Sun Apr 30, conversations with family and friends, lovely warm day, good walks, bed early.
  2. Mon May 1, laptop back from shop and it works better! warm day, good walks, progress at work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work.
  3. Tue May 2, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, helpful chat with boss, pleasant lunch outside and sunny walk home, progress at work, helpful info from internet.
  4. Wed May 3, progress at work, helpful info from gym.
  5. Thu May 4, good walks, interesting seminar on internet, help from co-workers, lunch outside on warm day, progress at work
  6. Fri May 5, well rested, good walks, helpful talk with boss, good walks, progress at work.
  7. Sat May 6, pleasant walk to work, necessary rain, progress at work, help from cheerful retail worker, good meals.

Gratitudes April 16-22, 2017

  1. Sun Apr 16, beautiful day, good meeting, pleasant conversations with friends and family, good meals, progress at work.
  2. Mon Apr 17, good walks, helpful conversations with boss, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, inspiring music on internet, progress at work.
  3. Tue Apr 18, good meeting with helpful professor, progress at work, cheerful help from co-worker, good meeting with health coach at gym, good meals.
  4. Wed Apr 19, sunny day, pleasant walk to work, good seminar, progress at work, conversation with friend, ride home, good meals.
  5. Thu Apr 20, early to work, good walks, pleasant day, cheerful help from co-workers, pleasant music from internet, good meals, bed early.
  6. Fri Apr 21,gorgeous sunny day, conversations with co-workers, progress at work, good meals, pleasant music from internet.
  7. Sat Apr 22, sunny day and took laptop to the shop for maintenance!  No internet for me for several days!