1. Sharing experiences from years gone by
2. relaxing with all guards down. No pretense
3. Laughing so hard you cry!
4. Moving throughout your day at your own pace; no deadlines, completely free of a schedule
5. Fresh seafood. Tile fish, shrimp enjoying a view of the river
6 southern hospitality second to none. It is amazing how friendly and accommodating the southern people are
7. Carriage ride with a horse named Ben who has from Holmes county ohio, just south of where I reside. Horses retire from the fields and go south to pull the carriages. They work fewer hours and get 2 weeks off every 6 weeks.
8. Tour of a rice plantation where a former slave and his 2 sons still reside. So amazing how human beings treated other human beings. Mansion used as summer home while slaves lived in tiny, crowded dark structures. The beds were pine needles with a rope to hold many inside.
Discrimination still exists. Why can’t we see our similarities rather than differences? Love rather then hate
Thankful for the gift of friendship thank for each of you