All posts by Sally

Sunday Sunshine

  1. Yes, it was shining!
  2. Yard work
  3. Birdsong
  4. Being able to recognizing who was singing
  5. A palpable feeling of promise in the air
  6. Four bright yellow marsh marigold blossoms down by the stream (the deer haven’t found them yet)
  7. Picking up litter while walking my dog
  8. Garden plans
  9. Fresh fruit
  10. Blessings everywhere I turn

Health and happiness

  1. Eating more mindfully
  2. Cravings disappearing
  3. Allowing emotions to surface
  4. Working through them with a friend who always helps me get clear
  5. And then letting them go
  6. Andy’s adventures! :)
  7. Getting my first official copies of “Pretty Betty Butterfly” from Create Space
  8. The amazingly brilliant women in my life
  9. Progress
  10. Rest at the end of a busy day

Staying Power

  1. A dear friend who is also family
  2. Rediscovering wisdom in my journals
  3. Remembering
  4. Feeling
  5. Musing
  6. Talking things out
  7. Ideas that pop up in a flash
  8. Writing it all down
  9. Making things happen
  10. Being here right now, sharing gratitude

Hoppy, too! :)

  1. Creating something that is beautiful
  2. Compassion
  3. Reaching out
  4. A phone call from my sister
  5. Nurturing the relationships that truly matter
  6. Friendship, fellowship, family
  7. Rebirth
  8. Miracles
  9. Sharing dreams
  10. A text from my sweet friend (Happy Easter, C!)
  11. Chocolate (yum!)
  12. Watching the glorious Easter sunset while wading in Lake Erie

Snow what?

  1. The big bouquet of daffodils from my garden
  2. My retro horse head vase
  3. The magnificence of yellow
  4. Create Space book launch
  5. Pretty Betty Butterfly
  6. Sending outdated old habits to the cosmic compost bin
  7. Feeling the energy of the lunar eclipse
  8. Freedom
  9. Consciousness
  10. Trust…always…trust