All posts by Sally

A-musing about Monday…

  1. Our faithful Irish plumber who always answers the call
  2. Our little dog who decided to act like she’s been house-trained
  3. Feeling like I’m in the movie “Groundhog Day” when it comes to car repairs
  4. Being able to laugh at myself
  5. Finding humor in the everyday ordeals
  6. Asking myself, “How does it get any better than this?”
  7. Waiting for the other shoe to drop…unless the aforementioned dog has hidden it :)
  8. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone who looks like me, only older
  9. Finding more clutter behind the clutter I just cleared
  10. Remembering that it’s only a movie


  1. Rolling with it
  2. Not falling into old patterns
  3. Feeling through it
  4. Allowing
  5. Revelations
  6. Deeper understanding
  7. Synchronicity
  8. Eagle
  9. The bigger picture
  10. Coyote
  11. Simplicity and trust
  12. Being calm amid the chaos

Tonight I’m grateful for…

  1. My computer
  2. Internet access
  3. Sleeping cats
  4. Fresh laundry
  5. Talking to a brilliant friend with an entrepreneurial spirit
  6. A productive day
  7. Decluttering to make space for what’s next
  8. Burning papers in the chiminea & releasing old contracts
  9. Working out at the gym
  10. Good Feng Shui
  11. Composting dense energy
  12. Winding down and relaxing

On this special day…

…I am so grateful for:

  1. Love
  2. My Sweetie
  3. A circle of incredible women
  4. Extreme hugging
  5. Contentment
  6. Desire
  7. Valentines
  8. Text messages and phone calls from friends
  9. A customer from Oregon who happened to find my business by Googling “birding t-shirts”
  10. Extremely positive feedback from said customer :)
  11. Kind hearts
  12. Did I mention LOVE?


On this day, I’m grateful for:

  1. Paul Newman’s Lemonade
  2. Not reacting to something that would normally upset me
  3. Being comfortable with the unknown
  4. Exercising my “trust” muscle
  5. Getting some things right
  6. Forgiving myself when I don’t
  7. Doing something that I’ve been putting off
  8. A great book: “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield
  9. A hot bath
  10. Lavender essential oil