All posts by Sally

Tonight I’m grateful for…

  1. The rewrite that will make my book better
  2. Delving into a new subject that blows my mind
  3. The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  4. “I Have a Dream”
  5. The positive changes I’m seeing all around me
  6. My new workout routine
  7. The stark beauty of January
  8. Seeing a gorgeous  red fox in my backyard
  9. My deep connection with nature
  10. Honoring my muses by completing old projects

Sunday morning gratitude musings…

  1. Sleeping in after an old-fashioned Saturday night out with my hilarious husband and two wildly witty friends,  laughing until my sides hurt
  2.  Kent…a great college town
  3. Loving my poetry when I go back and read it
  4. The opportunity to comfort a friend
  5. Good, strong coffee
  6. Holding space for what is Sacred
  7. Reinventing myself
  8. Reading that our DNA renews itself every two months
  9. Being surprised with something new every day.
  10. Persistence

Wednesday wrap-up…

Here’s some of what I’m grateful for tonight:

  1. My morning meditation
  2. Afternoon productivity
  3. Evening relaxation
  4. A great dinner conversation with Denny
  5. His wisdom and support
  6. Reinventing ourselves
  7. Graham crackers
  8. Heartfelt feedback from friends
  9. Tonight’s full moon (Wolf Moon, or Magi Moon)
  10. This lovely place to share gratitude with like-minded souls


  1. Beautiful ice sculptures out on Lake Erie
  2. The awesomeness of Nature
  3. Homemade vegetable lasagna
  4. Rediscovering books that are perfect for me at this time in my life
  5. Sweet memories of my mother
  6. Feeling her presence
  7. My husband’s kindness
  8. A glass of good wine
  9. Inspirational thoughts
  10. Sweet slumber

My Monday Gratitude List…

  • Getting up early to write Morning Pages
  • Insights and “aha” moments
  • “Simple Abundance”
  • My renewed dedication to health & fitness
  • Ernestine Shepherd
  • Paul Newman’s Lemonade
  • Finding the sacred in ordinary things
  • A great phone conversation with one of my favorite people  :)
  • Movement
  • Stillness

Monday evening musings…

Here is a sampling of what I’m grateful for tonight:

  1. Being back here on “We Love Gratitude”
  2. Not hitting the stopped school bus on the other side of the road when my car skidded on the ice this morning (Whew!)
  3. A grateful end to a rather tumultuous day
  4. Finally being able to quiet my mind
  5. Synchronicity
  6. Having the courage to face the fact that I might be losing yet another one of my beloved cats
  7. Wine
  8. Surrender
  9. Tears
  10. Sleep