All posts by Sally


  1. Bald eagle flyby
  2. The grandeur of Nature
  3. Going outside without a coat
  4. Paw prints in the snow
  5. Sunflower seeds for the birds
  6. Northern Cardinals: they are like bright punctuation marks in the whiteness
  7. Quiet time
  8. Self-love
  9. Encouragement offered and received
  10. Truth

Sorting through old stuff

  1. Finding two half-written stories good enough to make me want to finish them
  2. Not knowing
  3. Parting with old treasures
  4. Letting go without regret
  5. Still, some tears are warranted
  6. Clearing
  7. Making space
  8. Stretching into new territory
  9. Remembering loved ones
  10. …who are gone but will live forever in my heart

Hot and Cold

  1. Good, strong coffee first thing in the morning
  2. The raw beauty & power of Lake Erie – truly a Great Lake
  3. Steaming oatmeal with flax seeds
  4. Bare feet on the cold kitchen floor (quickens my step!)
  5. New Smart Wool socks (Christmas gift from my hubby)
  6. Cold…haven’t caught one yet!
  7. Thinking about a hot bath, but not wanting to take off all the layers I’m wearing :)
  8. Paul Newman’s lemonade (yes, even now!)
  9. Warm, plush blankets
  10. January

Day Three

  1. Building momentum
  2. 10,000 steps
  3. Taking deep breaths
  4. Reading some of my old astrology books
  5. Remembering how I once wanted to be a professional astrologer
  6. Embracing my inner Saturn :)
  7. …who is helping me reclaim the authority in my life
  8. I love that the word “author” is contained in “authority”
  9. …as in being the author of one’s life instead of letting someone else write it for you
  10. Being grateful for all my blessings (too numerous to name)
  11. Trust
  12. Love

Second Chances

  1. Every day is a clean slate
  2. No regrets
  3. Recognizing resistance, thanking it, and then sending it on its way
  4. Resourcefulness
  5. The deep silence of a winter’s night
  6. Writing
  7. Self-forgiveness
  8. Technology that helps connect people
  9. Good old-fashioned phone calls
  10. Remembering

First Day

  1. A colorful new Morning Pages journal
  2. Those blank pages just waiting to be filled
  3. Writing as spiritual practice
  4. Building creative muscles
  5. Sudden ideas
  6. Seeing Lake Erie outside my window
  7. Eagles and mallards and geese, oh my!
  8. Cooking a delicious New Year’s Day dinner
  9. Connections
  10. Knowing that anything is possible

2014 – A Year To Remember

  1. Love and friendship
  2. My husband, who can still make me weak in the knees :)
  3. Amazing creative collaborations
  4. Strong and courageous women
  5. Authentic Kabbalah
  6. Monarch Butterflies & Metamorphosis
  7. Nature
  8. Miracles big and small
  9. Our four cats and one dog
  10. Going deep
  11. Learning to love myself
  12. All of you. Happy New Year!