All posts by Sally

Good work

  1. Shampooed carpet
  2. Lake breeze through open windows
  3. High energy
  4. Clean laundry
  5. Teeny Monarch caterpillars
  6. A butterfly ready to emerge from its chrysalis
  7. Yard work
  8. Good exercise
  9. So many flowers :)
  10. Feeling tired in a good way

Little Things

  1. Monarch caterpillars
  2. Small bites of a double-chocolate Klondike Bar
  3. Itsy-bitsy spiders
  4. Little mistakes that can be corrected
  5. Cat whiskers
  6. Baby steps that add up to milestones
  7. Cricket sounds
  8. Short conversations that say a lot
  9. Haiku
  10. An ounce of courage

Super Moon Sunday

  1. A beautiful celestial event
  2. Knowing that there’s a Heaven
  3. As above, so below
  4. Moonbeams (not to be confused with moonshine:)))
  5. A remarkable communication breakthrough with the most important person in my life
  6. Vulnerability
  7. Resolution
  8. Bike ride with my hubby in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park
  9. First one in two years – 8.5 miles, and we hardly broke a sweat :)
  10. Being back here on WLG

Bright Colors and Summer Sunshine

  1. Cosmos  and zinnias grown from seed
  2. Joe Pye weed
  3. Blazing Star
  4. Black-eyed Susans
  5. Prairies
  6. Milkweed and the Monarch caterpillars that depend on them
  7. Allowing old hurts to resurface so that I can finally let them go
  8. A partial fast (18 hours) to make my liver happy
  9. Coping
  10. The gentle sound of distant thunder
  11. Trusting that everything is unfolding as it should
  12. Sharing with you

Friday Felicity

  1. Monarch butterfly caterpillars on my milkweed plants :)
  2. Pollinators of every kind
  3. Hummingbirds
  4. Morning coffee and conversation with my neighbor
  5. We have so much in common
  6. Community
  7. Cat tales
  8. The 23rd Psalm
  9. Peace prayers
  10. Spiritual practice